MLC Flashcards
What is MLC?
Maritime Labour Convention
Who does MLC apply to?
All seafarers and all ships engaged in commercial activities
How is MLC certified?
Vessels over 500gt must carry
- Maritime Labour Certificate
- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance)
How is MLC surveyed?
- Initial survey
- Intermediate survey
- Renewal survey
What are the 5 primary sections of MLC?
- Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
- Conditions of employment
- Accommodation, Recreational facilities, Food and catering
- Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection
- Compliance and enforcement
What is the minimum age to work on a ship?
16 years old
What are the 10 items a Seafarer Employment Agreement must include?
- Seafarer name, age and birthplace
- Shipowner name and address
- Place where SEA was entered into
- Capacity/rank
- Wages
- Paid annual leave
- Termination conditions
- Benefits
- Entitlement to repatriation
- Reference to any CBA
What are the primary MLC duties of the master?
- Ensuring seafarers have valid medical certificates, STCW certificates and SEA contracts.
- Keeping valid copies of SEA and CBA available for inspection
- Keeping a copy of MLC and repatriation rules (MGN 479) onboard and available to crew
- Take care of left property onboard with entry into ships official log book
- Inspections of crew accommodation at no less than 7 day intervals recording findings in ships log book
- Ensure food and water is suitable in quality and quantity and catering facilities are hygienic.
- Inspect catering facilities not less than 7 day intervals recording findings in ships official log book
How many crew require a qualified cook?
When normal operation is 10 or more crew
How often should crew accommodation be inspected by the master?
No less than every 7 days
How often should catering facilities including food storage areas and drinking water be inspected?
No less than every 7 days
How many persons onboard requires a medical practitioner?
100 or more and engaged on an international voyage lasting more than 72 hours.
What MLC documents should be posted onboard?
- Maritime Labour Certificate
- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
What is the Declaration of Maritime Compliance?
Part 1 is completed by the surveyor and details the areas of MLC to be surveyed. It includes any equivalencies or exemptions to the MLC regulations
Part 2 is completed by the shipowner and includes the measures the shipowner will take to comply with each of the 16 sections of the DMLC.
What are the 16 sections of the DMLC?
- Minimum age
- Medical certification
- Qualification of seafarers
- Seafarer employment agreements
- Private recruitment and placement services
- Hours of work or rest
- Manning levels of the ship
- Accommodation
- On board recreational facilities
- Food and catering
- Health and safety and accident prevention
- Onboard medical care
- Onboard complaint procedures
- Payment of wages
- Financial security for repatriation
- Financial security relating to ship owners liability
What are the requirements in MLC for persons under 18?
- Young persons should not work at night unless it will aid their training on an approved training and development plan
- Should not do any work which is beyond their physical or psychological capacity
- Should not work with any toxic chemicals or sources of radiation.
- All work should be risked assessed to ensure they are not exposed to high risk or harmful activities
- Young persons should have a 12 hour rest period in every 24 hours and should have two day rest period in every week. If working more than 4.5 hours a day, they should have a 30 min rest period.
- If after working on board for more than 4 months, the young person does not wish to remain at sea, they should be given the opportunity to be repatriated.