COSWOP Flashcards
What is the masters responsibility in COSWOP?
As the representative of the company, they have responsibility to implement the company policies and procedures and report any deficiencies to shore based management for rectification
What is COSWOP and what is its purpose?
The Code of Safe Working Practises. It provides guidance to how statutory regulations should be fulfilled.
What is a hazard?
A source of potential injury, harm or damage.
What is risk?
- Likelihood that harm or damage may occur
- Potential severity of the harm of damage
What are the 4 stages of risk assessment?
- Generic risk assessment
- Task based risk assessment
- Toolbox talk
- Dynamic risk assessment
What are the requirements for safe movement on ship?
- All passageways, walkways and stairs are clean, clear and well maintained.
- Adequate lighting provided
- All permanent signs conform to regulations
- Any opening, hatchway or open edge where there is risk of falling is barriered with 2 rails of wire or chain 0.5m apart
Who makes up the safety committee?
- Master - chairman
- Safety Officer
- Safety representative from each department
What activities require a permit to work?
- Entry into enclosed space
- Work requiring gas testing equipment
- Hot work
- Working at height/over the side
- General electrical
- High voltage electrical (over 1000 volts)
- Heavy weather working on deck
- Work on lifts/lift trunking/machinery
What is an enclosed space?
A space which is not designed for continuous worker occupancy and has either
1. Limited openings for entry/exit
2. Inadequate ventilation
What are 10 ways to provide a safe mooring station?
- Maximum 4 or 5 turns on the split drum
- Never leave rope on the drum end
- Never paint drum ends - coat with a thin layer of boiled linseed oil for protection
- Do not use spliced ropes - replace them!
- Drums should be smooth and clean
- Paint decks with non slip paint
- Use 3 or 4 turns on drum ends to maintain friction. Do not let ropes range on drum.
- Direction of movement should be marked on the drum
- Winch brakes should set to render at 60% of rope MBL.
- Ropes should be inspected regularly for heat damage, distortion and breakage.
How often should lifting appliances and lifting gear be examined?
Annually except for equipment used to lift personnel which should be examined every 6 months.
What is lifting equipment?
Work equipment used for lifting or lowering loads (including people) and includes its attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it
What is loose gear?
Any gear by means of which a load can be attached to lifting equipment
What documentation is required by LOLER?
1.A register of lifting appliances and loose gear
2. Records of service history and entry into service for each piece of equipment, any repairs or modifications, and its SWL
What arrangements are required for safe access?
- Access must be adequately lit
- Lifebuoy with light and line at access point
- Safety net secured under the entire length of the access point to prevent injury from falling
- Gangways maximum 30 degrees from horizontal
- Accommodation ladders maximum 55 degrees from horizontal
- Barriers along the length of the gangway and around platforms to prevent fall from height.