Soft Tissue Surgery: Urinary Incontinence Flashcards
What controls the bladder filling and storage phase?
Primarily sympathetic via hypogastric nerve
* Beta-adrenorecpetors in detrusor- relaxation
* Alpha-adrenoreceptors in urethral smooth muscle and trigone (contraction)
Somatic (voluntary) nervous system via the pudenal nerve
* Urethral striated muscle contraction
* Inhibition of detrusor reflex
What controls bladder empyting phase?
Parasympathetic nervous system predominated via the pelvic nerve
* Stimulation of stretch receptors in bladder wall
* Contraction of detrusor muscle
* Relaxation of the urethral muscle
Detrusor muscle
What allows urinary continence?
- Brainstem micturition centre integrates urethral and detrusor function
- Cerebral cortex gives voluntary control by over-riding the detrusor reflex
How should urinary incontinence be investigated?
- Detailed history
- Clinical examination
- Biochemistry and haematology
- FeLV test
- Urinaylsis
- Urine culture and sensitivity
- Observe patient urinating
Following clinical exam what further investigations are indicated for urinary incontinence?
- Plain abdominal radiographs- useful screening procedure
- IV urogram/CT angiography
- Retrograde urethrogram
- US of urinary tract
What are normal findings of the filling phase?
- Patients can urinate normally
- Patients can empty bladder normally
- Patients dribble urine between urinations
- Patients often have reduced bladder capacity
What are differentials of abnormalities of filling phase?
- Ectopic ureter- congenital/acquired
- Reduced pressure at the bladder neck
- Involuntary contractions
What can cause reduced pressure at the bladder neck?
Abnormality of filling phase
- Congenital USMI
- Acquired USMI
- Intrapelvic/caudal bladder, short urethra, hypoplastic bladder
- Bladder neck mass
- Urethral dysplasia (female cats)
USMI- urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence
What can cause involuntary contractions?
- Bacterial infection
- Cystic calculus
- Drug induced
- Felv
- Neoplasia of bladder neck
What are the DDx of abnormalities of emptying phase?
- Partial/complete urethral obstruction
- Chronic distension of bladder- urethral obstruction, pelvic trauma, disc protrusion, feline dysuatonomia
- Dyssynergia- urethral spasm during bladder contractoin, urine dribbling
What is USMI?
Urethral spincter mechanism incompetence
* Commenest cause of incnotinence in bitch
* Intermittent involuntary passage of urine
* Usually while dog is relaxed
* Can urinate normally
* Acquired and congenital forms
What can cause USMI?
- Low urethral tone- striated muscle tone reduced
- Hormonal influence- spayed, prior to 1st season
- Obesity
- Intrapelvic bladder
What breeds are predisposed to acquired USMI?
- Dobermans
- Boxers
- Irish setters
When are congenital USMIs found?
Juvenile bitches- prior to 1st season
50% resolve after 1st season
Ectopic ureter is main DDx
How is USMI treated medically?
Increase muscle tone
* phenylpropanolamine or ephedrine
* Oestriol
Reduce contributing factors
* Weight loss
* Treat secondary UTI