Cardiology: Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
Use the following table to match up the following causes of murmurs
* Pulmonic stenosis
* Aortic Stenosis
* Mitral dysplasia
* Tricuspid dysplasia
- PDA- continuous left heart base, dorsal/forward
- Aortic stenosis- left base 4th IC, weak pulse
- Pulmonic stenosis- left base 3rd, radiates up IC space
- VSD- cranioventrally on right
- Mitral dysplasia- left MV 5th IC
- Tricupsid- right, 4th IC
What is an innocent murmur?
Puppies and kittens may have soft systolic heart murmur- left heart base
Should disappear by 20 weeks old
Due to change from foetal haemoglobin to adult
- What is a patent ductus arteriosus?
- What does it cause?
- What breeds are predisposed?
- What is the characteristic murmur sound?
- The ductus arteriosus fails to close at birth
- Causes a shunt between aorta (high pressure) to pulmonary trunk (low pressure)- left to right
- GSDs, Collies, CKCS, Bichon- females more common
- Waxing through systole and waning through diastole- high and cranial in the axilla (pit) left
Describe what happens with a PDA and therefore the effects?
- Shunt from descending aorta to pulmonary artery- aortic pressure exceeds PA pressure- continuous
- Lung field over-circulated
- Increased volume of blood to left side of heart (L volume overload)
- LA and LV enlargment (eccentric hypertrophy)
- Femoral pulse may be ‘bounding’
What happens if a PDA is untreated?
Results in left sided congestive heart failure and LV myocardial failure before the dog is 7
What is eisenmenger’s physiology?
- Rarely a PDA with pulmonary hypertension can cause the shunt to reverse
- murmur stops being continuous
- Animal may show cyanosis- possibly on exertion
- Common in cats
What are the different diagnostic tests that can be used for heart disease?
- Thoracic radiographs
- Doppler Echo
What do the following diagnostic tests show for PDA?
1. Thoracic radiographs
2. ECG
3. Doppler Echo
- LAE, LVE, pulmonary overcirculation- ‘triple knuckle’ on DV- aortic arch, PA and left auricular appendage
- Often very tall R waves, Evidence of LAE, LVE
- Difficult- Diastolic turbulence in the PA
How is PDA treated?
Curable if early
* Surgical ligation of PDA
* Device based- keyhole, ACDO- encourage clot formation
* Do not close Eisenmengers physiology
- What is the most common congenital heart defects in dogs?
- What breeds are predisposed?
- Aortic stenosis
- Boxer and newfoundland
- What can cause aortic stenosis?
- What does it result in?
- Can be valvular or sub-valvular- lesions rane from ‘nodules’ to a complete or partial circumferential fibrotic band or muscular ridge
- Pressure overload on the LV resulting in LV concentric hypertrophy
What are the clinical signs of Aortic stenosis?
- Syncopal episodes and excercise tollerance- consequence of obstruction
- If coronary perfusion compromised- hypoxic myocardium- sudden death
Where is the point of maximal intensity of aortic stenosis?
Left base- murmur grade correlated with disease severity
What do the follownig diagnostic tests show for aortic stenosis?
Thoracic radiograghs
Doppler echo
- Thoracic radiographs- unremarkalbe- aortic post-stenotic dilation sometomes
- ECG- may be unremarkable or evidence of LVE and hypertrophy, ventricular premature complexes
- Doppler
2D subvalvular or valvular lesions, post-stenotic dilatoin
Colour doppler shows turbulence in LV outflow
Recording velocity of aortic outflow, diagnostic- normal velocity <1.7m/s, Velocities of >2 m/s
Modified bernouilli can convery velocity into pressure gradient
What is the modified bernouilli equation?
What pressure gradients show different levels of stenosis?
PG = 4V^2
PG < 50mmHg- mild stenosis
PG 50-80 mmHg represents moderate stenosis
PG > 80mmHg indicated the presence of severe stenosis