Social Stratification Flashcards
ascribed status
acquired via direct, individual efforts
the amount of positive regard society has for a given person or idea
the ability to affect others’ behavior through real or perceived rewards or punishments, based on unequal distribution of valued resources
Marxist theory
proposes that the have-nots, called the proletariat, could overthrow the haves, called the bourgeoisie, as well entire capitalist economy by developing class consciousness
class consciousness
refers to the organization of the working class around shared goals and recognition of a need for collective political action
false consciousness
a misperception of one’s actual position within a society
lack of social norms or the breakdown of social bonds between an individual and society
strain theory
how anomic conditions can lead to deviance…excessive individualism, social inequality, and isolation
social capital
the investments people make in their society in return for economic or collective rewards–> the greater the investment, the higher the level of social integration (peaceful movement into mainstream society) and inclusion
inequality in opportunity
cultural capital
the benefits one receives from knowledge, abilities, and skills
strong ties
peer group and kinship contacts
weak ties
social connections that are personally superficial, like associates
compounding of disadvantage seen in individuals who belong to more than one oppressed group
five ethnicities model
white, black, Asian, Latino, Native American
social mobility
the result of an economic and occupational structure that allows one to acquire higher-level employment opportunities given proper credentials and experience requirements
changes in social status that happen within a person’s lifetime
intergenerational changes
changes that are from parents to children
based on intellectual talent and achievement and is a means for a person to advance up the social ladder
rule by the upper classes
vertical mobility
movement from one social class to another
horizontal mobility
a change in occupation or lifestyle that remains within the same social class
social reproduction
social inequality is reproduced or passed on from on generation to the next
structural poverty
based in the concept of “holes” in the structure of society rather than poverty due to the actions of the individual
absolute level (poverty)
socioeconomic condition in which people do not have enough money or resources to maintain a quality of living that includes basic life necessities such as shelter, food, clothing, and water
also can have relative
social exclusion
sense of powerlessness when poor individuals feel segregated and isolated from society
spatial inequality
focuses on social stratification across territories and their populations
the migration pattern of the middle classes to suburban communities, the suburbs have become more attractive as they are generally cleaner and less crowded, have lower crime rates, and often have better school systems
urban decay
in which a previously functional portion of a city deteriorates and becomes decrepit over time
urban renewal
in which city land is reclaimed and renovated or public or private use….often fueled by gentrification
world system theory
categorizes countries and emphasizes the inequalities of the division of labor at the global level
core nations–> focus on high skills and higher paying productions while exploiting
peripheral nations–> for their lower-skilled productions
semi- peripheral nations are midway between the two
the number of new cases of an illness per population at risk
the number of cases of an illness overall per population in a given amount of time
the burden or degree of illness associated with a given disease
refers to the deaths caused by a given disease
second sickness
exacerbation of health outcomes caused by social injustice
cover patients over the age of 65
cover poor patients