Social Interactions Flashcards
Social Status
A person’s social position in a society
Ascribed Status
A status assigned at birth that cannot be changed
Achieved Status
A status that is earned
Master Status
One status that takes precedence over all other statuses in a given social situation in terms of identity
Role Strain
Tension within one role
Role Conflict
Tension between different roles
Role Exit
When a person stops engaging in a role previously central to their identity
Primary Groups
Core social groups with strong and long-lasting relationships; include family and close friends
Secondary Groups
Formal, impersonal, temporary relationships based on a limited or temporary goal
Front stage
How we act in social settings
Back stage
How we act in private; our more personal selves, where we work on impression management
Impression Management
Our attempt to control how other people see us in front stage
Side-Effect Discrimination
The discrimination at one institution can affect another one negatively
Past in Present Discrimination
Discrimination relating to things done in the past, even if there are consequences for them now
Institutions designed for a specific purpose and aim to achieve maximum efficiency
Utilitarian Organizations
Members are paid/rewarded
Normative Organizations
Members come together through shared goals
Coercive Organization
No choice in group membership
The rules, structures, and rankings of an organization
The process by which an organization becomes increasingly governed by rules and regulations
Iron Rule of Oligarchy
All organizations will eventually be lead by a select few
The processes of a fast food chain have come to dominate other organizations; basis of the five main characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy
Five Main Characteristics of an Ideal Bureaucracy
By Weber; Division of Labor, Hierearchy of organization, written rules and regulation, impersonality, and employment based on technical qualifications