Social 1917-41 Flashcards
What groups began to be attacked in 1917
What restarted the attack on bourgeois groups
The Great Turn
What did the workers decree on Workers Control give
Gave workers the right to control production and finance and to supervise management
Why did the decree on Workers Control fail
Gave themselves pay rises and longer holidays
What were introduced to stop workers leaving the cities
Internal passports
How was discipline restored in factories during the civil war
Managers and harsh labour regulations
What was the nickname given to the NEP by the workers
The new exploitation of the proletariat
What image was punished via propaganda
New socialist man
How were more working class kids able to get into university
Quota system to ensure that a certain percentage were from working class backgrounds
Which workers were used for propaganda
The Stakhanovite Movement
What was hierarchy dependent on
Membership of the communist party
What did membership of the communist party get you
Better housing and higher rations
What percentage of the population were members of the party in the 1930s
Just under 10%
Who did the NEP benefit more
Benefited the peasantry more then the workers
What caused peasants resentment
High taxation
What measures where introduced for women under Lenin
Could own property
Sex discrimination became illegal
Divorce was made easier
Abortion legalised and made available on demand
What was the issue for women surrounding working
Dual burden
Why was easier access to divorce bad
70% initiated by men
In Moscow 1927 how many marriages ended in divorce
Stalin- On average how much less did women earn then men
In 1929 what percentage of higher education was reserved for women
By 1940 what percentage of engineering students were women
Over 40%
Stalin- what percentage of their income would men seeking divorce have to provide in child support
Stalin- What was outlawed
What was declared illegal
What happened to the family image near the end of the 1930s
Reinforced the traditional family
Wanted birth rates to increase
Under Lenin what was provided for free for the first time
When was a youth wing of the party established
What was the youth wing renamed in 1926
What two organisations made up the Komsomol
The young pioneers and Komsomol
Who was the Young Pioneers for
Children aged 10-14
Who was the Komsomol for
Those aged 14-28
By 1928 what percentage of eligible children had joined the Komsomol
Only 6%
Under Lenin how many were orphaned or abandoned
7-9 million children
Which child testified against his own father
Pavlik Morozov
What did the Education Law of 1935 do
Uniforms and exams were reintroduced
Girls had to wear their hair in pigtails
Communist ideology became a compulsory subject
By 1940 how many member were in the Komsomol
10.2 million
What happened to the church in 1918
Russian Orthodox Church and the state were declared separate
How was the churches power restricted
Church land confiscated
Marriage became a civil institution
What happened to the church in 1921
Religious education was banned
What was introduced in 1929
All congregations and their places of worship had to be register with the government
What was introduced in 1932
Six day week prevented holy day of worship
What was introduced in 1935
Pilgrimages to Mecca were banned in 1935
By 1939 how many bishops were at liberty
12 out of 168
By 1941 one in how many churches were still operating
One in 40
The number of active priests was what percentage of the figure from the early 1920s