Nicholas II Oppostion 1894-1914 Flashcards
Before 1904 what did the liberals want
A National Assembly
End of land captains
Extension of primary education
Abolition of capital punishment
In 1896 what did Shipov try to set up
All-Zemstvo Organisation
What did the liberals form in 1903
The Union of Liberation
How well were liberals organised from 1904
Better organised and unified, with clear objectives
What did the liberals want to happen to the tsar
Made into a constitutional monarchy
What methods did the liberals oppose
Violence and direct action
What social groups did the liberals largely come from
Middle class and noble backgrounds
What appeased the liberals? What later made them annoyed?
The October Manifesto
The fundamental laws
What did the Kadets do after the first duma was closed
The Vyborg Appeal
After the October manifesto where did liberals continue to work
Town Dumas
State duma
Content to work in the constitutional limits set by the regime
Which socialist group focussed on the peasantry
The SRs
When was the Socialist Revolutionary Party formed
What tactics did the Socialist Revolutionary Party use
Terrorism and assassination
Who did the Socialist Revolutionary Party manage to assassinate
Ministers of the Interior in 1902 and 1904
Minister of Education 1901
How many political murders did the Socialist Revolutionary Party conduct
2,000 political murders
Who did the Socialist Revolutionary Party’s ideas come form
The populists
Particularly People’s Will
Who did the Socialist Revolutionary Party kill in 1911
Who was the Socialist Revolutionary Party most popular with
Youth, especially radical students
When did the membership of the Socialist Revolutionary Party begin to fall? Why?
After 1905
Failure of the revolution
Repression put people off
How many Socialist Revolutionary Party members were sentenced to death between 1905 and 1909? How many executed?
How did the Socialist Revolutionary Party failure to establish a consistent policy
Boycotted the first Duma
Contested second Duma
Then boycotted again
What was held in Minsk in 1898
The first Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party
What year did the Social Democratic Party split
What did the Social Democratic Party split into
Who led the Bolsheviks
Who led the Mensheviks
What type of group did Lenin want
A small group of professional revolutionaries
Thought the revolutions could happen simultaneously
What type of group did Martov want
Increased membership to educate workers
Thought the revolutions couldn’t be simultaneous
Which Duma did the Bolsheviks contest
3 and 4
Which Duma did the Bolsheviks not contest
1 and 2
Which Duma did the Mensheviks contest
1 and 2
Which Duma did the Mensheviks not contest
3 and 4
Why did membership of the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks decline
Leaders in exile
1905 revolution
Secret police
Lack of funding
In 1912 what did the Bolsheviks start
A new newspaper called Pravda (‘The Truth’)
What had Pravda’s circulation achieved by 1914
When did the Bolsheviks plan a general strike for? What happened?
July 1914
Didn’t happen
Which trade unions did the Bolsheviks receive some support
St Petersburg