Crimean War And Emancipation Flashcards
Who was the Crimean war against
What treaty ended the Crimean war
Treaty of Paris
What did the Crimean war highlight
Poor transport
Poor conscript army
Poor military leadership
Technologically behind
How was poor transport shown in the Crimean war
Took longer to get equipment to the front line than France and Britain
When did Alexander II become Tsar
Who were revolting in 1855
Who wanted reform in 1855
Examples of liberal minded nobility
Milyutin brothers
Grand Duke Konstantin
Grand Duchess Elene Palovna
Why was it going to be hard for Alex II to reform
Didn’t want to weaken autocracy and grip on power
When was emancipation
How many serfs freed in 1861
51 million
How long was obligation for state serfs
5 years
How long was obligation for private serfs
2 years
What did serfs receive as a result of emancipation
Their house and a small plot
What freedoms were given to the serfs
Set up businesses
What did the previous owners receive
What did serfs have to pay as a result of emancipation
Redemption payments
How long were redemption payments
49 years
What interest was added on to redemption payments
Where did the peasants have to remain while paying off redemption payments
The Mir
What did the Mir control
Allocated land
Controlled what could be farmed
Collected taxes
What supervised the Mirs
Why were the serfs emancipated
Humiliation of the Crimean war - improve the army if free
Economically - needed a free population for industrialisation
- free population would have motivation to make more
Who exploited the opportunities of emancipation
The Kulaks
What was the average holding
Only 9 acres (not enough)
What did peasants remained tied to
The Mir
Not very free - internal passports
How was travel restricted
Internal passports
How much of nobility compensation was spent on debt
248 million roubles out of the 543 million roubles paid in total by the government