Soc7 - Methods of training Flashcards
Working the entire body for a long leriod of time: inexpensive, does not improve anaerobic fitness
A methodu of training for runners where the terrain and speed are constantly changing: can be done on a variety of terrains, There may not be sustainable terrain
A series of exercises completed for a certain amount of time/reps, after one another: can combine many components of fitness, The circuit needs to be set up and well planned out
Physical training invilving alternating stages of high and low intensity activity: includes repeated sprints which is anaerobic, can be intense so needs full commitment
Exercise where muscles use maximum force in short intervals of time: improves explosive fitness, knowledge of your event or a coach
Involves shifting weights to increase strength of the muscle using program exercises: Wide variety of exercises to choose from, need suitable facilities and equipment
Mainly areobic exercise to music covering a variety of exercise: helps CVF and a little bit of muscular endurance
Body pump
Exercise to music normally using low weights with many repetitions and a variety of exercises such as lunges and squats: helps CVF and muscular endurance
Core workout focus on quality and quantity and aims to focus on correct breathing: helps the mine and flexibility and muscular endurance
It is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on poses with the correct breatjing technique and to boost physical and emotional well-being: increase strength and flexibility
Aerobic and an anerobic cycling on a stationary bike to music: helps improve muscular endurance your legs and aerobic