Small Ruminant Toxicoses and Mineral Deficiencies Flashcards
A diet that contains inadequate copper is called
_________ copper deficiency
What can cause secondary copper deficiency?
High molybdenum
High sulfate
Enzootic neonatal ataxia (swayback) of lambs and kids,
which is characterized by progressive incoordination and recumbency
that begins with the hind limbs and progresses to the front limbs,
is caused by defiency of ___________
A young lamb in coastal California
is exhibiting ataxia in the hind limbs
that progresses to the front limbs.
It has limp, straight, “steely” wool that has lost its crimp,
diarrhea, and anemia.
This lamb is probably deficient in ________
How is copper deficiency treated?
Oral copper supplementation
Which is more common:
Copper deficiency or copper toxicosis?
Copper TOXICOSIS is more common
_________ are very susceptible to copper toxicosis
What clinical signs do you expect to see in sheep
with copper toxicosis?
ACUTE onset:
What stain is used to see copper-laden macrophages
in the liver of sheep with copper toxicosis?
Small ruminants require ________ to produce B12
Cobalt deficiency is related to deficiency of this vitamin
Cobalt/Vitamin B12 deficiency is related to
heavy GI parasite loads, especially this parasite
A young lamb is not growing well
and is exhibiting lacrimation.
Its wool is matted to its face, and it is anemic.
What is your primary ddx?
Cobalt/B12 deficiency
How is Cobalt/B12 deficiency treated?
Cobalt Sulfate (oral)
Vitamin B12 (injection)
A diet high in ________ can cause secondary iodine deficiency
Thyroid enlargement (goiter) and alopecia
are commonly seen in animals with _______ deficiency
How is iodine deficiency treated?
Add IODIZED salt to feed
This state is known for causing iodine toxicosis in
small ruminants due to the high levels of iodine
in feed and soil.
South Carolina
Selenium deficiency is often associated with Vitamin _____ deficiency
Vitamin E
The primary clinical sign of Selenium/Vit E deficiency in lambs is
Stiffness of hind limbs
Acute or subacute enzootic muscular dystrophy due
to selenium/Vit E deficiency is known as
white muscle disease
Heart failure in pigs due to Selenium/Vit E deficiency is known as
Mulberry heart disease
Clinical signs of selenium/Vit E deficiency and toxicosis are similar
except that hoof abnormalities and rough hair coat
are seen with ________ only.
What is the treatment for Lead Toxicosis?
Calcium Versenate IV (Calcium EDTA)
A sheep is anorexic and has developed a rough hair coat.
When you arrive, he licks your hands and he has been seen licking
the dirt. Urinalysis reveals a LOW USG.
What is this sheep suffering from and how do you treat?
Salt deficiency.
Provide access to salt SLOWLY! (otherwise–>toxicosis)
What types of clinical signs are seen in animals with
salt toxicosis?
Brain swelling leading to neurologic signs