Cattle Dermatology Flashcards
What are the 4 species of lice that affect cattle?
- Haematopinus eurysternus*
- Linognathus vituli*
- Solenptus capillatus*
- Damalinia bovis*
Sucking lice can cause _______, especially in calves
______ lice tend to cause a rough shaggy hair coat
with patchy NON-pruritic alopecia
Biting lice
How is lice treated in cattle?
Avermectin/Ivermectin (Doramectin)
at 2 week intervals.
Must treat ALL animals
What are the 6 types of mites that affect cattle?
- Psoroptes*
- Chorioptes*
- Psoregates*
- Demodex*
- Sarcoptes*
- Trombicula*
This mite is more common in winter months and
results in decreased feed consumption, decreased weight gain,
and may predispose to resp. dz/stress.
Lesions on the perineum and back of udders in cows
is known as
This mite is more common in the winter months
and causes escutcheon (lesions on the back of perineum and udders)
as well as intense pruritis.
This mite causes mange in cattle, characterized by
intense pruritis, wrinkled skin, and wheals in the skin.
Will also see inflammation on the legs, udder, and perineum.
This mite is known as the “itch mite”
and is found in grass, hay, straw, or forage.
It is not a true parasite of the cow, but of the enviroment.
This fly lays eggs in fresh wounds. The maggots
bury deep into the wound.
This has been eradicated in the US and is reportable.
Cochliomyia homnivorax
The proper name for the
House Fly
Musca domestica
The proper name for the
Flesh Fly
Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis
The proper name for the
Blue Bottle Fly
Calliphora erthrocephala
The proper name for the
Green Bottle Fly
Lucillia caesar
The proper name for the
Sheep Blow Fly
Phormia regina
The proper name for the
Secondary Screwworm Fly
Cochliomyia macellaria
The proper name for the
Face Fly
Musca autumnalis
This fly spread pinkeye bacteria by
feeding on secretions around the eyes.
Musca autumnalis (Face Fly)
The proper name for the
2 types of Horn Flies
- Haematobia irritans*
- Stephanfilaria*
This fly causes the most economic damage in the US and Canada.
Animals will stand in water and swish their tails
due to the intense irritation.
Haematobia irritans (Horn Fly)
Filarial dermatitis is transmitted by ______ flies
horn flies
Stephanfilaria causes Filarial Dermatitis.
Where do you see lesions on the cow if this is the cause?
Ventral midline
(Lesions are hairless and skin is thickened with fissures/cracks)
How are horn flies treated?
The proper name for the
Stable Fly
Stomoxys calcitrans
The proper name for the
Horse Fly
Tabanus spp.
The proper name for the
Deer Fly
Chrysops spp.
These 3 flies bite, draw blood, and irritate,
and can transmit anaplasmosis
Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
Horse Fly (Tabanus spp.)
Deer Fly (Chrysops spp.)
According to fly protection protocols,
when do you ear tag an animal with OP or pyrethroid?
When there is greater than
200-400 flies per animal
A bio-balanced fly program
utilizes this predator to eat flies (fly pupae)
Trichogramma wasp
What are the 4 types of ticks that affect cattle?
- Ixodes*
- Boophilus*
- Dermacentor*
- Amblyomma*
This tick is found in St. Kitts
and can carry Dermatophilus which carries Cowdria
which turns into Heartwater.
This is the causative agent of Heartwater (Cowdria)
Dermatophilus is not a threat to humans
It is zoonotic!
How is Amblyomma eradicated?
Bi-weekly dipping or pouring of ACARICIDES
The proper name for the
2 types of Warble Flies
that affect cattle
- Hypoderma bovis*
- Hypoderma lineate*
This type of fly lays eggs on the legs of cows.
The pupae burrow through and migrate dorsally through the skin
(drills holes in the skin).
Hypoderma bovis
The adult flies of this species of fly
have NO mouthparts and exist only for reproduction.
Their larvae cause damage to cow hides.
Hypoderma bovis
The pupae of these flies can migrate aberrantly through the CNS
and in rare cases, cause paresis.
Hypoderma bovis/lineate
(Warble Flies)
How do you treat for Warble Flies (Hypoderma spp.)?
What are the 2 causative agents of
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
in cattle?
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes*
- Trichophyton verrucosum*
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
of cattle occurs most commonly in _______ animals.
(adults have developed immunity)
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
caused by Trichophyton spp.
often spontaneously resolves
under what conditions?
Spontaneously resolves when animals
are turned out into
sunlight/exposed to UV light
(inhibits fungus from growing on skin)
Where on the body are
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) lesions typically found?
Face or hind end
A young cow presents with
circular, non-pruritic lesions and patchy hair loss.
After being turned out into pasture,
he spontaneously gets better.
What is your primary differential?
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) is ZOONOTIC
How is Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) spread?
By contact:
animals rub heads or hind ends together
What time of year is most common to see
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)?
How is Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) treated?
By removal of crusts and application of medicine (topical or parenteral)
What 4 topical medications can be used to treat
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) in cattle?
Iodine (Mild 2% tincture)
Copper Naphthenate (KopperTox)
Captan (plant spray- dilute for use on animals)
What medication can be used parenterally
to treat Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) in cattle?
What adjunctive therapy can be used in conjunction
with meds for treatment of Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)?
Vitamin A and D
Dermatophilosis is caused by fungus
It is caused by bacteria.
DermatophyTOSIS is caused by fungi
Cutaneous streptothricosis is also known as
Dermatophilosis/ RAIN SCALD
Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)
is associated with this vector
Amblyomma tick
In the US, Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)
is associated with muddy conditions and an animal with
immune system compromise, especially those with this virus
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)
Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)
can cause this problem in the heels of horses
when they walk through the grass resulting in infection
Strawberry Foot Rot
Round lesions, paintbrush lesions, and wart/horn-like lesions
are characteristic of this dermatologic condition
seen in horses and cows.
Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)
How is Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)
Giemsa stain of exudate smears from lesions
show RAILROAD tracks on histo
How do you treat
Dermatophilosis/Cutaneous Streptothricosis (Rain Scald)?
Procaine Penicillin G (PPG)
Animals with papillomatosis are condemned at slaughter for meat.
Can still be used for meat! Not zoonotic!
Papillomatosis (warts)
are most often found on this part of the body in cattle.
Head and neck
How is bovine papillomatosis treated?
(which may stimulate immune response causing other warts to fall off)
Autogenous vaccine (created specifically for and from that animal’s warts)
This viral skin condition causes blisters on the teats and udders
Udder scaled is found between the front quarters,
between the udder and legs, and is often seen at parturition when
the udder is swollen.
It is associated with this bacteria.
Staphylococcus spp.
This skin condition is caused by a fungus that
grows on the outside of plants and is associated with
fescue grass, wheat, and rye.
Ergotism causes _______ in the feet, tail, and ears,
and the animal becomes lame and the skin falls off
Ergotism affects the feet of cattle in a very specific order.
What is that order?
left rear> right rear> left front> right front
Fescue Toxicosis or “Summer Slump”
is associated with _________ fungal infection (endophyte)
What is the most common clinical signs associated with
Fescue Toxicosis or “Summer Slump”?
(also see fever, scruffy hair coat, poor growth)
_______ toxicosis causes
prolonged gestation, agalactia, and dystocia in MARES.
It is common to lose both mare and foal due to this toxicosis.
FESCUE toxicosis
What are the 2 causative agents responsible for
primary photosensitization in cows and horses?
St. Johns Wort
This type of congenital photosensitization is seen in
HOLSTEIN and Limosine cattle
and results in anemia, red urine, and pink teeth.
Oats, Rape, Clover, and Alfalfa can cause
Secondary (hepatogenous) photosensitization
due to this photodynamic agent accumulating due to liver damage.
This mycotoxin from the Pithomyces fungus,
grows on plants and is hepatotoxic,
causing secondary photosensitization.
The most common sign is facial eczema.
What is a differential to consider if you
think you have photosensitization?
(presents the same as photosensitization)
What type of coat changes do you expect to see in cattle
with copper deficiency?
Faded coat color or a coat that changes color.
How is copper deficiency treated in cattle?
Either a copper bullet (dissolves slowly in the animal)
Or increased food rations with copper
What type of dairy cow is sensitive to copper
and therefore copper toxicosis?
Jersey cows
This is a congenital disability to process Zinc, seen in Holsteins
and affects females only because the males die in utero.
Baldy Calf Syndrome
The most common medicine to cause an allergic skin reaction
in cattle is
________ reactions sometimes occur following cessation of milking
because cows are allergic to their own milk protein
Cattle with pigment around their eyes are LESS at risk for
this tumor than cattle without pigment
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma is most common in this breed of cattle
After surgical debulking, treat squamous cell carcinoma with
The preferred treatment for pre-cancerous
squamous cell carcinoma lesions is
thermal treatment using __________
Preferred non-surgical treatment of squamous cell carcinoma
if it extends to the bones is ________
gamma radiation
This is an abscess that starts to dissect muscle along fascial planes
resulting in much cellulitis and infection dispersed throughout the muscle.
3rd and 4th degree burns are NOT painful
If you see a blister as a result of a burn,
it is a ______ degree burn
2nd degree
How do you treat thermal burns?
Restoration of acid-base balance and fluid balance.