Exam 2: Word Associations Flashcards
Wooden tongue
Actinobacillus ligniersii
Lumpy Jaw (cow)
Actinomyces bovis
Blue tongue
Orbivirus via Culicoides
Foot and Mouth Dz
Picornavirus- NOT in horses, uncooked garbage to PIGS
African Horse Sickness
Yellow foam from nose, very high fever
Vesicular Stomatitis
Vesiculovirus- Looks like FMD but affects HORSES
Bovine Papular Stomatitis
Parapoxvirus- mild dz in calves, no tx needed
Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)
Pestivirus- PI (days 90 - 120), ear hole punch, kuppfer cells
Malignant Catarrhal Fever
Herpesvirus- From SHEEP to cow, not cow-cow, panophthalmitis
Severe diarrhea and wasting- sheep and goats
Eimeria- diarrhea w/ red blood, Amprolium, Decoquinate, Rumensin, calves > 3 weeks old
Johne’s Disease
Mycobacterium pseudotuberculosis- protein losing enteropathy, bottle jaw, brisket edema, fecal culture, remove calves from dams, cows 3 - 6 years old
Calves 1 - 2 weeks old, raw milk-hudson farm-front end loader, bloody watery diarrhea, high fever, acidosis, ABX RESISTANT
Winter Dysentery
Coronavirus- very sudden, self cures, but decreased milk for long time, TANNIC ACID/COPPER SULFATE
E. coli
<4 days old, death due to dehydration and acidosis