Cattle Respiratory Diseases and Disorders Flashcards
What is the etiology of Mycotic Nasal Granuloma?
- Rhinosporidia spp.*
- Helminthosporum spp.*
This fungal nasal condition in cows is
more common on irrigated pastures in warm/hot climates.
It is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction and results in the
signs like hemorrhage, head shaking, nasal rubbing,
and upper respiratory tract signs.
Mycotic Nasal Granuloma
How is Mycotic Nasal Granuloma treated?
NOT with Abx!
Use Systemic Iodine and/or Surgery
Which breed of cow is predisposed to allergic rhinitis?
How is allergic rhinitis diagnosed?
Eosinophilia seen on nasal secretions
This type of sinusitis is associated with dehorning.
It can be avoided by getting polled breeds, or by
dehorning when they are calves when their horns have less
communication with that particular sinus.
Frontal sinusitis
This type of sinusitis is associated with horses with bad or infected teeth.
It can be caused by extension of infections such as
Actinomyces (bone)
or Actinobacillosis (soft tissue)
Maxillary sinusitis
In regards to sinusitis,
a bulge on the side of the face is due to ______ sinusitis
where as
a bulge between the eyes is due to _________ sinusitis
In regards to sinusitis,
a bulge on the side of the face is due to Maxillary sinusitis
where as
a bulge between the eyes is due to Frontal sinusitis
How is sinusitis treated?
Surgery, flush the sinus, and ANTIBIOTICS
What is the most common etiology of pharyngeal trauma and abscess?
Improper admin of pills per os
oral dewormers
What type of dyspnes would you expect in
a cow with pharyngeal trauma and abscess?
inspiratory dyspnea
(with stertor sounds due to swelling in the pharynx)
Bloat can be a sign of pharyngeal trauma and abscess
Abscess or swelling of pharynx puts pressure,
and animal cannot swallow or let gas out
What are the 3 DDx associated with pharyngeal trauma and abscess?
Neoplasia (LSA in old animals)
Necrotic Laryngitis
How do you treat pharyngeal trauma and abscess?
Drainage, flushing, and ABX
Calf Diphtheria is also known as
Necrotic Laryngitis
What is the etiology of Necrotic Laryngitis (Calf Diphtheria)?
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Necrotic Laryngitis (Calf Diphtheria)
is more common in which type of cattle?
BEEF calves kept on wet, moist pasture
A beef calf out at pasture during the rainy season
has severe inspiratory dyspnea, LOUD stertor,
and fetid odor of the breath.
This has occurred acutely, and the calf is still nursing.
What is your most likely diagnosis?
Necrotic Laryngitis (Calf Diphtheria)
Necrotic Laryngitis (Calf Diphtheria)
can cause this problem in adult cattle
Foot rot
Liver Abscesses
What is used to treat Necrotic Laryngitis (Calf Diphtheria)?
Procaine Penicillin G
Tracheal Edema Syndrome is also known as _______
and is most common in steers in feedlots
Honker Syndrome
What 2 factors are required to cause
Cattle Shipping Fever (Bovine Respiratory Disease- BRD)?
and the
What are the 4 organisms part of the normal flora
that causes Cattle Shipping Fever (Bovine Respiratory Disease- BRD)
when conditions are right?
- Mycoplasma*
- Mannheimia*
- Histophilus*
- Pasteurella*
_________ is the #1 factor contributing to Respiratory Disease
in cattle.
(Mixing of cattle = #1.
Shipping = #2)
How is weaning a stress factor for the development of
Cattle Shipping Fever (Bovine Respiratory Disease- BRD)?
Separation anxiety in both the calf and cow
results in the cow constantly calling for the calf.
This causes damage to respiratory epithelium and
allows pathogens to colonize.
Also, calving causes immunosuppression which is another factor.
What are the 4 core vaccinations that cattle receive
to prevent respiratory disease?
What is the etiology of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)?
Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1)
Dairy cattle are more prone to Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
FEEDLOT cattle are more prone
A beef cow on a feedlot presents with a VERY high fever of 105F.
She has profuse serous nasal discharge,
but normal lung sounds are heard.
On ocular exam, a central corneal ulcer is found.
A couple other cows have aborted and have pustules on their vulvas.
What is your primary differential?
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
This clinical sign of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
is more common in DAIRY cattle than in feedlot cattle with IBR.
Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis
How is Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) diagnosed?
Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT)
of ocular or nasal secretions
How is Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) treated?
Antibiotics (to prevent secondary bacterial infx)
Intranasal vax in the face of an outbreak
How is Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) prevented?
2 doses of vaccine 2 - 4 weeks apart, plus an annual booster
What is the etiology of Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV)?
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) is usually seen in
conjunction with this organism, leading to enzootic calf pneumonia
How is Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) diagnosed
and treated?
FA Testing- swab of mucosa
Treated with ABx
Cows vaccinated for Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV)
can pass immunity to their calves.
TRUE! (protects for the first 2 months of life)
This bacterial disease occurs commonly in beef cattle
and is a major cause of economic loss in feedlots.
All ages are affected.
Signs include: mucopurulent nasal discharge, crusty nose,
ocular dischage, anorexia, fever, expiratory grunt/dyspnea,
and emphysema.
Mannheimia Haemolytica (usually with Pasteurella)
What virulence factors are associated with
Mannheimia Haemolytica (Pasteurella)?
LPS and Leukotoxin
Horses are susceptible to the affects of
Mannheimia haemolytica (pasteurella)
Mannheimia Leukotoxin only affects the WBCs of ruminants, NOT horses!
This bacteria, found in the normal bovine respiratory tract,
can be associated with TEME, or
Thromboembolic Meningoencephalitis.
Clinical signs of TEME include:
opisthotonos, recumbency, and beating their head on the ground.
Histophilus somni
This bacteria can cause a respiratory infection that
can present with ear infections or mastitis.
How is Chlamydia treated in cattle?
How is tuberculosis diagnosed?
Single intradermal test- look for swelling after
injection of tuberculin antigen
How is tuberculosis treated in cattle?
It’s NOT!
How do cows get tuberculosis?
Can get it from deer, and it is zoonotic, so
can get it from humans (or humans can get it from cows)
What 2 things can interfere with a tuberculosis test in cows?
Avian tuberculin
Chronic coughing and nasal discharge as a result of
Enzootic Pneumonia (BRSV) is seen more
commonly in dairy calves due to ________ operations.
continuous flow
Enzootic pneumonia in calves is caused by BRSV
but is often seen in conjunction with this organism
What is the etiology of
interstitial pneumonia- atypical pulmonary emphysema?
What time of the year is
interstitial pneumonia- atypical pulmonary emphysema
most commonly seen?
In the late fall, a cow exhibits a slight fever
and is anorexic.
It has an expiratory dyspnea and you
feel crepitation on its back.
What is your primary differential?
interstitial pneumonia- atypical pulmonary emphysema
due to MOLD
How is interstitial pneumonia- atypical pulmonary emphysema
NO treatment!
Change diet or pasture if noticed!
What is the intermediate host for “husk”
(parasitic bronchitis and pneumonia)?
What are the 2 causative agents of
Venal Caval Thrombosis and Metastatic Pneumonia,
which can cause profuse nose bleeds and hemorrhage into the
respiratory tract?
Mannheimia and Fusobacterium
Diaphragmatic hernias are more common
in these types of cattle
Bos indicus and water buffalo
This lung condition is seen in premature newborn calves
due to lungs that are underdeveloped (not enough surfactant).
These calves are noisy at birth which is abnormal.
Pulmonary dysmaturation