Skull Quiz Flashcards
Position of part with MML perpendicular?
Waters (Parietoacanthial)
What projection forms a 37 degree to the IR?
Reverse Waters
What projection is the IOML // ? (Vertex of head on IR)
Submentovertex (SMV)
What projection is the IPL perpendicular?
Lateral Skull.
What’s different must you do for PA Axial Caldwell for sinuses?
Always do sinuses upright, never angle tube.
CR for AP/PA?
CR for PA Axial Caldwell (AP Axial)?
15 degrees caudal
15 degrees cephalic
CR for AP Axial Towns?
30 degrees caudal
2 inches above glabella
CR for Waters or Parietoacanthial?
CR for Reverse Waters or acanthoparitial?
CR for Submentovertex (SMV)?
Just below mental point.
CR for Lateral Skull?
2 inches above EAM.
CR for Lateral Facial?
CR for Lateral Sinuses?
1 inch posterior outer canthus.
CR for Lateral Nasal?
At nasion (no grid!)
EC for AP/PA
Petrous ridges orbits
EC for PA Axial Caldwell (AP Axial)?
PR lower 1/3 of orbits.
EC for AP Axial Towns?
Dorsom sellae plus posterior clinoid processes are within the foramen magnum.
EC for Waters (Parietoacanthial)
PR are just below the maxillary sinuses.
EC for Reverse Waters or Acanthoparitial?
PR are just below the maxillary sinuses.
EC for Submentovertex (SMV)?
PR are just below the maxillary sinuses.
Part of position with OML perpendicular?
PA Axial Caldwell (AP Axial)
AP Axial Towns
cranial bones
1 frontal 1 occipital 2 parietals 1 ethmoid 1 sphenoid 2 temporals