Patient Care Test Chp 1-6, 14 Flashcards
Name two major professional organizations in radiologic technology.
What is the purpose of the practice standards in radiologic technology?
Practice standards - your job description, your scope of practice.
What document represents the application of moral principle and moral values for radiologic technology?
Standard of ethics.
What is nonmaleficence?
Duty to refrain from inflicting harm
What is autonomy?
The right to make decisions concerning ones own life.
What is truthfulness?
Honesty to patients.
What is justice?
Equal treatment and equal benefits.
What is double effect?
The intent is good although a bad result may be foreseen.
The radiographer who mistakenly administers an incorrect drug to a patient may be guilty of?
Explain the documentation for which you as a radiographer will be accountable in your department when you participate in a procedure.
Correct patient Exam Time Patient history Flouro time Technique Markers/annotation Medication- kind and amount.
Professional ethic may be defined as?
A set of principles that govern a course of action.
Give an example of privileged (confidential) information.
You assist with a diagnostic study and a large adherent mass is discovered in the colon.
You are approached by a colleague who asks you to become a member of the local chapter of your professional organization. What do you do?
You join at once because you feel that it is an obligation to be a member of your professional organization.
Information about a patient’s condition of prognosis?
Must always remain confidential.
If you are unable to solve a professional ethical dilemma, you must present the problem to?
The ethics committee of the institution for which you work.
As a radiographer, you are assigned to diagnostic imaging procedure for which you have had no education. You best course of action is?
Explain to your superior that you have never worked with this procedure and feel competent to preform it.
If you offer your services at the scene of an accident you are protected from litigation by the Good Samaritan Law?
If a patient request to take his/her radiographic images to another institution for consultation, you must remember?
The patient must present a signed request before the records can be released.
An unconscious child is brought to the emergency suite for a diagnostic radiograph. There is no parent or guardian with them. You will proceed with the procedure and will be functioning under the rule of implied consent?
List 3 area in which the radiographer may infringe upon patient rights.
Informed consent
Physical consent.
List 3 responsibilities of the patient.
Provide accurate and complete heath history.
Keep appointments
Fulfill financial obligations.
What is Medicare?
Covers the acute hospital care and home heath care of persons who are 65 years of age and older.
What is Medicaid?
Has primary care physicians who act as gatekeepers for patient care.
A patient is waiting alone on a gurney in a corridor. Everyone rushes by without offering explanations or communicating.
Love and belonging.
For this imaging procedure, no food was allowed after dinner. The examination is at 8am. It’s 11am and patient is still waiting on care.
Physiologic need.
A middle aged patient who is having gastrointestinal (GI) series has an involuntary evacuation of barium on the table.
Self esteem need.
A young mother is studying music in her leisure time.
Self actualization need.
A child is taken from their parents into the imaging department. The parents are told to wait outside.
Safety and security need.
Define critical thinking and list and define the modes of thinking.
Critical thinking- careful consideration of an issue that guides behavior.
Name the lower and higher levels of critical thinking.
Lower - recall and habit
Higher- inquiry, creativity.
What is recall?
Ability to bring to mind a large body of facts quickly.
What is habit?
Becoming accustom to perform a skill without deep thought because of repetition.
What is inquiry?
The process information thoughtfully and be willing and able to recognize, explore and challenge as sumptuous to make sense of complex ideas.
What is creativity?
Ability to conceive of alternative methods of performing tasks or accomplish. Creativity must always work within the standards of safe and ethical practice; demands accountability.
An elderly woman loses her spouse of 40 years. Shortly after his death, she becomes ill and requires a surgical procedure. One might consider that her illness might be related to?
Learning the profession of radiologic technology requires ?, ? and ? Skills.
Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
What does cognitive mean?
What does affective mean?
Feelings, attitude.
What does psychomotor mean?
A return demonstration of an imaging examination by the radiologic technology student requires?
Psychomotor skills.
A radiologic technologist who had been working in their profession for a number of years is assigned to preform an imaging exam that they have preformed many of times. The mode of thinking for this is?
How a patient feels about their health care experience is strongly related to?
The communication skills of the health care worker caring for them.
List the requirements of the problem solving process.
Data collection/analysis
What does culture mean?
A set of beliefs and values common to a particular group of people.
What does ethnicity mean?
A common history of origin.
When assessing a patient, the aspects of this assessment must include?
economic background
Physiological status
Physiological background
The process of grieving, though painful and difficult, is normal and cannot be avoided in the case of a significant personal loss. (T or F)
List the skills required of a successful communicator.
What is a living will/advanced directive?
A document that expresses the wishes concerning their future medical care.
What is durable power of attorney (for healthcare)/healthcare proxy?
The person appointed to make healthcare decisions if the patient is unable to do so.
Evidence-based practice is?
Practice based on reliable research.
Who is credited with the discovery of x Rays and when?
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
November 8, 1895.
What law describes the relationship between intensity of the beam and distance from the source?
Inverse Square Law - the intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of distance from the X-ray source.
What is better for patient protection, collimation or cropping of the digital image.
Cropping may become illegal.
REM = Sievert x .01
How much REM/year can a rad student receive?
How much REM can general public receive?
How much REM/year can pregnant workers (fetus) receive?
How much REV/year can occupational workers receive?
What is the minimum thickness used for lead aprons, gloves, and thyroid shields?
0.5 mm PB.
What is Pb?
What is long terms effects?
Effects that occur years after exposure.
What is ARS?
Acute Radiation Syndromes, while body dose of 100 R or more.
What is a result from ARS?
Hematopoietic - blood forming
What is genetic effects?
Children of people radiated has effects.
What is somatic effects?
Actual person has effects.
For a left, lateral decubitus, the patient is?
Recumbent and laying on their left side.
The most effective means of reducing friction when moving a patient is by?
Asking the patient to cooperate.
What are tractions?
Use of a pulling force to treat fractures, dislocations, muscle spasms, and correct deformities.
When caring for a patient who is disabled and is difficult to move, it is best to?
Obtain as much help as necessary to avoid injury to the patient and to the radiographer.
What is the fowlers position?
Semi-sitting position with the head raised 45 - 60 degrees.
What is supine position?
Patient laying flat on back.
Patient on back with head raised 15-30 degrees.
Patients on back with head lower than extremities.
Trendlenburg position.
Patient on side with forward arm flexed and top knee flexed.
Sims position.
Name 2 convenient and safe methods of moving a patient from a radiographic table to a gurney.
Sheet and sliding transfer.
List 3 legitimate reasons for application of immobilizers.
Positioning aides
Temporary immobilizers.
How is the only way you can use an immobilizer?
With a doctors order.
We can use restraints? (T or F)
Signs of circulatory impairment if s patient is wearing a cast?
Pain Coldness Numbness Skin color change Swelling Can't move toes or fingers.
What are 3 methods of reducing A patients exposure to ionizing radiation?
Increasing KVP (decreases mAs)
Explain distance in fluoro.
Fixed fluoro fifteen. (Inches)
Others is 12*
The leading cause of work-related injuries in the field of health care is?
Abuse of the spine when moving and lifting patients.
8 criteria of a profession.
- A vital human service provided
- Possess a special body of knowledge.
- Practitioners are accountable and responsible.
- Education of professionals takes place in institutions.
- Practitioners have independent fiction and practice.
- Committed to work and motivated.
- Code of ethics.
- Organization oversees and supports standards of practice.
Foreign substance that invade the body?
Substances within the body that destroys antigens?
Antibodies acquired by actually having a particular disease
Natural acquired immunity.
Antibodies acquired via vaccination.
Artificial acquired immunity.
There is currently less reason to be concerned about contracting HIV because there is improved treatment and the disease is no longer fatal. (T or F)
How you take care of all patients, all body fluids are infectious?
Standard precautions.
How to take care of patients with a known infection.
Tradmission-based precautions.
A person who has recently contracted HIV but may not have symptoms can still transmit HIV to another person. (T or F)
Conducts multicenter studies on diseases and publishes a weekly outline on the statistics of infectious diseases.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Receives data concerning infectious diseases from all countries and complies a report for every county.
World Health Organization.
Regulates the manufacture and sale of medications to protect health of US citizens.
Food and Drug Administration.
Sets requirements for hospital safety and infection control practices.
The Joint Commission.
Controls disposal of medical waste.
The U.S. department of Health and Human Services.
Touching objects that have been contaminated with a disease-producing microbes.
Direct contact.
Touching contaminated material with hands.
Indirect contact.
Inanimate object.
Living thing?
The radiographer who has received a needle-stick injury is obligated to notify his or her supervisor at the end of the day? (T or F)
If it is not possible to find a sink to wash hands, it is safe to use alcohol based hand rubs? (T or F)
The route of transmission of MRSA, VRE, VRSA, and ESBL is?
Direct contact.
The radiographer entering the room of a patient with tuberculosis must wear?
An N95 respirator mask.
Systolic blood pressure can be defined as?
The highest point reached during contraction of the left ventricle.
Range of normal breaths per minute.
Oxygen can be toxic to patients if it is incorrectly used. (T or F)
Point where the blood pressure is most often measured.
Brachial artery.
Measures apical pulse.
Measures blood pressure.
Measures body temperature.
Clinical thermometer.
Point where pulse is most often taken.
Radial artery.
What is medical asepsis?
How to clean, reduces the number and spread of microorganisms.
What is surgical asepsis?
How to clean, complete removal of microorganisms and there spores.
What is zone 1?
An unrestricted zone - persons may enter in street clothing.
What is zone 2?
A semi restricted zone - only persons dressed in scrub dress with hair covered and shoe covered may enter.
What is zone 3?
A restricted zone - only persons wearing scrub dress, shoe covers, and masks are allowed to be present.
The purpose of the surgical scrub is?
To remove as many microorganisms as possible from the skin.
List 3 responsibilities of the radiographer in the operating room or special procedures room.
Protect yourself and others from radiation.
Know the sterile areas
Help protect the sterile areas from contamination.