sistem kuadran & fascia Flashcards
what is the 4 quadrant system?
it is a way to divide and compartmentalize the abdomen into 4 areas.
what visceras are in each quadrant?
upper right: liver and gallbladder
upper left: stomach and spleen
lower right: caecum and appendix
lower left: kolon desenden dan kolon sigmoid
apa itu titik mcburney?
titik 2/3 antara pusar dan spina iliaca anterosuperior yang menentukan letak apendix
where is the line that divides the superior and inferior cluster of quadrants in the 4-quadrant abdominal topography system?
the line begins at the umbilicus and ends at vertebrae L3/L4
where is the line that divides the hypochondrium-epigastric region and the flank-umbilical region?
the line either begins at the L3 (lower border 10th costal margin area) - which you would call the subcostal line
or at the L1 (9th costal margin area) - which you would call the transpyloric line
where is the line that divides the flank-umbilical region and the groin-pubic region?
the line spans from L5, which marks the anterior superior of the iliac spine
what layers make up the superficial fascia?
it consists of the superficial and the deep part
what is the superficial layer? what layers are it continuous with?
the layer that consists of a lot of fat is continuous with the superficial fascia of the thigh.
what is the superficial layer of the superficial fascia of the penis?
the superficial fatty layer enters the penis, it goes through, slowly loses its fat, and fuses with the deeper layer of the superficial fascia.
it then continues into the scrotum and creates a part with smooth muscles called the darton fascia.
apa bagian fascia superfisial lapisan superfisial pada vagina?
lapisan superfisial kontinu dengan labia majora
apa sebutan lain dari lapisan superfisial fascia superfisial?
fascia Camper (camping kan di luar)
what is another nomenclature used for the membranous/deep layer of the superficial fascia?
Scarpe’s fascia
where does Scarpe’s fascia fuse with the thigh’s … fascia?
the Scarpe’s fascia fuses with the thigh’s fascia lata just below the inguinal ligament.
what fascia does Scarpa’s fascia form? and on what parts?
Scarpa’s fascia attaches to the ischiopubic rami and the posterior aspect of the perineal membrane and there it forms the superficial perineal fascia
what ligament does Scarpe’s fascia form?
it attaches to the symphysis pubis and extends inferiorly to form the fundiform penis ligament
what is an aponeurosis?
a thin connective tissue that helps connect the muscles to the bone
apa itu linea alba?
linea alba adalah komponen dari abdomen yang merupakan amalgamasi aponeurosis oblik eksternal, oblik internal, dan transversus abdominis
seberapa panjang span linea alba?
mulai dari proses xiphoid sampai ke simfisis pubis.
what is the spigelian fascia?
aponeuroses bundle between the lateral obliques and the rectus abdominis
what is the flow of scarpa’s fascia, from the abdomen, to the penis, to the scrotum, and then to the inferior ramus and posterior perineal membrane?
scarpa’s fascia is continuous with the dartos fascia (penis and scrotum) which is continous with the colles fascia or the superficial perineal fascia
what is the buch’s fascia then?
a layer of fascia deep to the dartos fascia