Birth ceremonies
Children are a great blessing in Judaism, indeed the very first mitzvah says Jews should have children:
“Be fruitful and increase in number”
Ceremonies for boys
-Brit Milah
- mother brings the baby in
- hands him to the kvatters
- carry the child on a cushion to the sandek
- mohel (circumciser) then carries out the procedure and dresses the wound
- Father says
Is it okay for a baby jewish boy not to have a brit milah?
the halakhah makes clear that any male child born Jewish but not circumcised is still a Jew.
Ceremonies for girls
-special naming ceremony
-on the Shabbat following the birth
-rabbi blesses and names the child and there is a celebratory meal
-rabbi blesses child
“Blessed be the child”
Marriage ceremonies
All Jews are expected to marry and have children because of the mitzvah that humans should be fruitful and increase the number of humans on earth.
“they will become one flesh.”
The purposes of Jewish marriage are:
-to obey the mitzvah and have children
-share a life of love and companionship
-share sex with each other in the way God intended
-to establish a Jewish home
Features of a jewish wedding:
The couple fast before the wedding as repentance for their past sins, as the wedding (kiddushin in Hebrew) will sanctify them and forgive their sins.
The bride and groom meet under the Huppah.
The bridegroom then stamps on the glass to remind everyone of the destruction of the Temple and that in the midst of joy some people are suffering and sorrowing.
Bar Mitzvah
what is it?
what must the boy be expected to do after?
a Jewish boy’s coming of age
in the Talmud, it says that while thirteen is the proper age for fulfilment of the Commandments
after boy’s Bar Mitzvah he must:
-put on tefillin for morning prayers
-he can make up a minyan
-he has to observe the fast days in full and
-he may be called up to read the sidra in synagogue services.
Bar Mitzvah
what are the main features of the ceremony?
-boy recites the blessing before the Torah is read
-If he can, should read the whole Torah passage for the day
-Rabbi talks about joys of fulfilling commandments as an adult jew
-celebratory meal
Bat Mitzvah
Orthodox Judaism, girls attain their Bat Mitzvah at the age of twelve
Liberal/Reform Judaism SAME AS BOYS
-happens at the age of thirteen and they are called up to
read the Torah.
Bat Chayil
(Daughter of Worth)
group of girls
who have reached twelve years of age during the previous year
are jointly addressed by the rabbi and
each then reads a passage they have chosen from the Tenakh.
What are the 4 stages of death and mourning rituals?
At the point of death
From death to the funeral
Avelut: the period of mourning
STAGE 0- At the point of death
family should gather to help the person die as a Jew
Ideally, every Jew dies with the last sentence of the SPECIAL prayer on their lips
special prayer ends is
“‘Hear O Israel: the Lord… is one.’”
STAGE 1- From death to the funeral
-funeral takes place as soon after death as possible
-rabbi gives a short speech about the dead person
-Everyone then washes their hands before leaving the cemetery as contact with the dead is considered unclean.
SOWAA for why funeral should take place asap?
” Be sure to bury him the same day” deuteronomy
considered disrespectful to leave the dead person alone and someone stays with the body all the time until the funeral.
How many stages are there in Avelut?
3 stages
1 Shiva
2 For the next three weeks male mourners go to synagogue every day to pray kaddish.
3 Those mourning a parent or a child observe a twelve-month period of mourning counting from the day of death.
what is sitting shiva ?
the first seven days are extreme mourning.
Mourners stay in their homes except for going to synagogue on Shabbat
and do not cut their hair or nails
they sit on low chairs
do not listen to music,
do not wear leather shoes
do not have sex.
All mirrors are covered so that the mourners cannot pay attention to their appearance. They sit on low
chairs because of this part of the story of Job:
“they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights.”
How do Liberal and Reform Jews differ from
liberals + reform jews:
-allow more time to elapse before the funeral so all family members can attend
-allow cremation
-put on a black ribbon rather than tearing their clothes
-sit shiva only for one day or at most three days and do not use low chairs
-do not cover the mirrors
-do not stay in the house for seven days
-allow the playing of music.
The importance of rituals for Jews
Brit Milah and Bat Brit
-bring a child into the community of Judaism
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
-gives young person opportunity to take upon themselves the responsibility of being a Jew
Jewish marriage ceremonies
-bring two people together in the Jewish faith
-opportunity for a new Jewish family
Death and funeral rituals
-rituals provide the comfort and hope for the future
-help cope