Why have people tried to control the number of children they have?
1-for the health of the mother
2-to avoid the risk of not having enough food for the existing family members
3-to maintain a good standard of living for the family unit.
The two fundamentally different types of contraception are?
artificial methods and natural methods.
Artificial methods of contraception
-rubber band and prevents the
transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS.
-IUD – intrauterine device (the coil); a type of contraceptive inserted in woman
-contraceptive patch
-birth control
Natural methods of contraception
1-NFP -natural family planning
2-device to measure hormone levels in the woman’s urine
methods they do not involve any drugs or any risk of promoting an early abortion. Natural
methods do not prevent STDs.
Christian attitudes to contraception
1 The Catholic attitude
2 The attitude of non-Catholic Christians
The Catholic attitude to contraception
-sexual intercourse is a gift from God
-Sex is for the unitive purpose between married stable couple
-sex is for creative purpose
-the Catholic way to achieve this is through using natural methods of family planning
-Artificial methods of birth control separate the unitive and creative aspects of sex, which is not what God intended.
-The Catholic Church regards contraception as a major cause of sexual promiscuity, broken families and the rise in the divorce rate and STDs.
Catholic SOWAA for their attitude to contraception
Vitae declared that the only allowable
forms of contraception for Catholics are natural methods.
This teaching has been confirmed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The attitude of non-Catholic Christians to contraception
- Christianity is about love and justice, contraception improves maternal health and raises standard of living of children as families are smaller
-There is nothing in the Bible that forbids the use of contraception.
-it is better to combat HIV/AIDS by using condoms rather than by expecting everyone to follow Christian rules about sex and marriage
-God created sex for enjoyment and to cement the bonds of marriage-Within marriage, contraception allows the role of sex to be separated from making children and this is not against God’s will.
Humanist and atheist attitudes to contraception
-improves women’s health and well-being
-prevents many children suffering, because every child will be a wanted child
-by reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, it reduces the need for unsafe abortion
-reduces the risk of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV, resulting in fewer infected babies and orphans
-provides dual protection against unintended pregnancies and against STIs including HIV if using male or female condoms.
Christian responses to non-religious attitudes
to contraception