known as the fundamental declaration of Judaism.
First words of Shema
“Hear O Israel the Lord our God… is one”
When is the shema said?
-once in the morning prayer
-once in the evening prayer and
-once before a Jewish person goes to sleep
Why is the shema said?
because it’s the declaration of the main points of the jewish faith
-god is one/ ethical monotheism
-should love God and follow his commands
-Those who serve God will receive blessings
-aim is to follow commandments
expected to touch the mezuzah every time they pass it to remind themselves of the Mosaic Covenant.
The mezuzah reminds Jews that they are dedicated to God.
second most important prayer and is sometimes known as ‘the prayer’.
How many blessings does the Amidah contain?
It contains nineteen blessing each ending with:
“Blessed are you, O Lord.”
Give a few of the blessings from the Amidah
to heal the sick
to support the righteous
ask God to accept the prayers
When and how the amidah should be said
Amidah means standing and the prayer should be said standing facing Jerusalem.
Every amidah is divided into three central sections, what are they called?
Why is the amidah said?
it fulfils all the requirements of a prayer which had been determined by the great rabbis
the amidah asks God to fulfil spiritual needs such as forgiveness and physical needs such as food.
Why is the amidah important?
-It asks God to fulfil their spiritual needs.
-It asks God to fulfil their physical needs.
-It fulfils the prayer requirements set out by the great rabbis
WHAT ARE THE main differences are between Orthodox Jewish worship and Christian
-Orthodox Jews worship in Hebrew, whereas Christians worship in their native language.
-The Jewish special day for worship is Saturday, whereas the Christian special day is Sunday.
-Men and women worship separately in Orthodox Judaism, whereas the sexes worship together in Christianity.
WHAT ARE THE main similarities are between Orthodox Jewish worship and Christian worship?
-Worship involves readings from the scriptures in both faiths
-Both worships involve praying for the needs of others.