Pilgrimage is?
a journey to a location of importance to a religion.
Opposition to pilgrimage
Protestant Reformers
very much opposed
as it breaks the commandment not to worship idols
SOWAA on why Christians should go on Pilgrimages
“Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem”
SOWAA on why Christians should NOT go on Pilgrimages
“You shall not bow down to them or worship
Why do Christians go on pilgrimage?
-feel that life is a search for God and that going on a P helps them in their search for God.
-feel that they become closer to God on a P
- P takes planning, time and effort, and this process can help in determining what your priorities are
-Jesus himself went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem every year
Where do Christians go to on pilgrimage?
village in Norfolk
a copy of Mary’s home
-In the shrine was a statue of Mary
-phial which was
supposed to contain milk from Mary’s breasts.
Why do people believe Walsingham is an important place of pilgrimage?
they can feel close to the Virgin Mary when pray there
place where pilgrims claim their prayers have been answered
place where healings are claimed to have taken place
brings spiritual refreshment
-small island just off the west coast of Scotland
-Irish abbot, arrived there in 563ce and established a monastery to train missionaries
to convert Scotland to Christianity.
Why is Iona important for pilgrims?
-encourages clergy and ordinary Christians to spend time together and learn from each other
-gives pilgrims an opportunity to discuss and learn about issues affecting Christians today
-helps Christians from different Churches to come together and become more united ecumenical value regardless of denominations
-gives Christians time apart from the daily grind of life so they can think about God.
The Taizé Community is an ecumenical monastic order
in the south of France
Over 100,000 young people from around the world make pilgrimages to Taizé each year for prayer—they are encouraged to live together, overcoming racial and religious differences.
a protestant helped to shelter Jews escaping from the Nazis there
Why do the pilgrims find their pilgrimage to Taizé important?
-gives young people an opportunity to meet and learn from other young people from different branches of Christianity
-gives pilgrims an opportunity to meet and learn from young people of different races
-it encourages Christians to develop the spiritual gifts of kindness, simplicity and reconciliation
Martin Luther’s views on Pilgrimages.
“All pilgrimages should be stopped. There is no good in them”
“pilgrimages give countless occasions to commit sin”
How do most Protestants tend to feel about Pilgrimages?
feel that emphasising special ‘holy places’ is
wrong because believers can encounter God anywhere, because God is the
same God everywhere.
opposed to any form of worshipping
the Virgin Mary because they regard it as idolatry.
Which pilgrimages would Protestants not go to and got to?
Protestants will visit the holy places in Jerusalem and go to Iona and Taizé, but would not go to Walsingham or places like Lourdes.
major centre of Christian pilgrimage is Jerusalem in Israel
where the crucial events in the last week of Jesus’ life took place
Which places do do pilgrims visit in Jerusalem?
The Cenacle, thought to be the site of the Upper Room, which is important to pilgrims because it is where the Last Supper-Eucharist
Via Dolorosa, or way of suffering, which is important to pilgrims because it is the route Jesus took as he was made to carry his cross to Golgotha, the place of crucifixion (pilgrims usually walk along the Via, praying at places where Jesus stopped
The Garden Tomb, which Protestants often visit rather than the Holy Sepulchre because some archaeologists believe it to be the true place of Golgotha.