Which part of the bible teaches the equality of men and women?
Genesis chapter 1
created male and female
“in the image of God”
Which part of the Bible teaches that woman should be subordinate to men?
Genesis chapters 2 and 3 say that woman was created after man and out of man’s rib, therefore, woman is subordinate to man.
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands” New Testament
What does St Paul teach about equality of m and w?
that wives should submit to their husband because the husband is the head of the wife in the same way that Christ is the head of the Church.
Evangelical Protestants attitudes to equal roles of men and women in the family are?
role of women to bring up children and run a
Christian home
role of men to provide for the family and lead the family in religion.
What are Evangelical Protestants based on?
the teaching of Genesis 2 about Adam being created first
the disciples of Jesus being men
the teaching of St Paul
Liberal Protestants attitudes to equal roles of men and women in the family are?
men and women are equal,
and should have equal roles in life and the family.
What are Liberal Protestants attitudes based on?
the teachings of Genesis 1 that male and female were created at the same time and equally
in Christ there is neither male nor female
Jesus had female disciple Mary Magdalene and ferales disciples stayed w him unlike them male disciples which ran away
It was to women that Jesus appeared
first after the resurrection.
Catholics attitudes to equal roles of men and women in the family are?
that men and women should have equal roles
in life and the family.
What are Catholics attitudes based on?
Genesis 1
new Roman Catholic marriage service, the priest says: ‘May her husband… recognise that she is his equal “
In most Catholic families the husband and wife have equal roles.
Atheist attitudes to equal roles of
men and women in the family
do not allow sex discrimination
United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the development of the feminist movement put forward a case for equal rights that could not be contradicted
keeps changing overtime but most fight for equality
Humanist attitudes to equal roles of men and women in the family
equalists: they believe that men and women are equal and should have equal rights and therefore have totally equal roles in the
Many of the suffragettes and early feminists were Humanists and modern Humanism teaches that men and women should have equal roles in the family.
a woman seeking the right to vote through protest