Screenings in Medicine Flashcards
True Positive
Test correctly reports a positive result in a patient that acutes DOES have the disease
True Negative
Test correctly reports negative result in a patient DOES NOT have the disease
False Positive
Test incorrectly reports a positive result in a patient that actually DOES NOT have the disease
False Negative
Test incorrectly reports a negative result in a patient that actually DOES have the disease
How well a test can detect presence of disease when in fact disease is PRESENT… Positivity of test in the Diseased
A sensitive test has a low false negative rate
Proportion of time that a Test is positive in a patient that DOES have the disease
Sensitivity calculation
Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN)x100%
How well a test can detect absence of disease when in fact the disease is absent ….. negativity of test in the healthy
A specific test has a low false positive rate
Proportion of time that a test is NEGATIVE in a paitent that does not have the diesease
Specificty calculation=
Positive Predictive Value(PPV)
How accurately a positive test predicts the presence of diesee. Percentage of TP’s in patients with a positive test (correct predition)
Negative Predicitive Value
How accurately a negative test predicts the absence of diease.. Percentage of TN’s in patinents with a negative test ( Correct predition)
Daignostic Accurace(DA) or Diagnositc Precision(DP)
Proportion of time that a patient is correctly identified as either having a diesase or not having a diesase with a positive or negative test
=(TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) x 100%
Likelihood Ratios
Probablity of a given test result for a person with the disease / probabiltiy of the same test reslut for a person without the diesase…. can be done for positive or negative
LR+….. should be >10 to demonstrate the test is most beneficial
Probabilty of a positive test in the presence of diesease/ probabilty of a positive test in the absence of diesase…. sensitivity/(1-specificity(C BOX))
LR-… should be <0,1 to demonstrate that the test is most beneficial
Probabilty of anegative test in the presnence of diesase /probabilty of a negative test in the absence of disease
= (1-sensitivity)/specificity
a useless test
a test that gives you equal probablity of having a negative or positive test
ability to accurately discern btw those that DO have the disease and those that DONOT have the disease “telling the truth”
Internal validity
extent to which results accurately reflect the true situation of the study population (sample)
external validity
extent to which results are applicaple to other populations not included in the original study (how similar were study participants to your patients?)… generalizability
ability of a test to give the SAME results on repeated uses… reproducability/ consistency…. A valid test is always reliable, yet a reliable test is not always valid