Blood Gas Transport Flashcards
At rest arterial blood carries…. mL oxygen per deciliter, and returning venous blood carries about …. mL of oxygen per deciliter.
19.4…. 14.4…
How much oxygen can one gram of hemoglobin transport?
1.34 mL of Oxygen
What is the oxygen utilization coefficient at rest??
What % of carbon dioxide is carried in the blood as bicarbonate ions?
What will an increase in blood partial oxygen pressure result?
An increase in bound oxygen.
Factors that shift the oxygen- hemoglobin curve to the right and downward, causing more oxygen to be released from the hemoglobin?
a decrease in pH, and increase in carbon dioxide, an increase in BPG, and an increase in temperature.
What occurs when there is an increase in blood carbon dioxide causing oxygen to be displaced from hemoglobin.
Bohr effects…. Shifts oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to right.
The displacement of carbon dioxide that occurs when hemoglobin binds with oxygen in the lungs
The Haldane effect
What is the limiting factors for cellular reactions when intracellualr PO2 is above 1mm Hg?
In carbon monoxide poisoning….
the PO2 of blood may be normal and the blood may be bright red.
In order to maintain electrical neutrality,
red blood cells utilize a bicarbonate; chloride ion co-transporter(in opposite directions).
What occurs when pulmonary capillary pressure exceeds 25 mm Hg?
Pulmonary edema
What is the most common cause of pulmonary edema?
Left heart failure, mitral valve diseases, and breathing noxious substances