Pulmonary Ventilation Flashcards
What does bronchioles lack that bronchi do not?
Cartilaginous plates.
What is located at the bifurcation of the trachea into the two primary bronchi that produces a strong reflux?
The carina
What is the sume of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume?
Vital Lung capacity
What is the volume of air that is inspired or expired iwth each breath at rest?
Tidal Volume (500 mL)
The volume of air that can be inspired in addition to tidal volume with forceful inspiration.
Inspiratory reserve volume (3000 mL)
The volume of air remaining in lungs after forceful expiration.
Residual Volume (1200mL)
The additional volume of air that can be expired at end of tidal volume by forceful expiration.
Expiratory Reserve Volume (1100 mL)
The volume by which the lungs and thorax increase for each unit pressure change in the transpulmonary pressure.
What is directly proportional to distensibility and volume and indirectly porportional to pressure.
What is the average size alveolus (radius about 100 micrometers)?
The surface tension pressure is about 4 cm of water pressure with surfactant and 18 cm of water pressure without surfactant.
Minute ventilation
is equal to tidal volume X respiration rate
During expiration alveolar pressure=
0 to +1 cm H20
During inspiration alveolar pressure=
0 to -1 cm H2O
During expiration pleural pressure=
-7.5 to -5 cm H2O
During inspiration pleural pressure=
-5 to -7.5 cm H2O
The difference btw the alveolar pressure and the pleural pressure
Transpulmonary pressure
What is the pressure of the air inside the alveoli?
Alveolar pressure
Pleural pressure is
the pressure of the fluid btw parietal pleura and the visceral pleura.
Alveolar ventilation=
(tidal volume - dead space)X breathing rate = .35 X breathing rate
What is the dead space in a normal individual?
.15 liters
What does physiological dead space include?
the anatomic dead space + ventilated alveoli with poor or absent perfusion
What is the space in the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles….
Anatomic dead space.
Alveolar ventilation (Va)
Total volume of gases that enter spaces participating in gas exchange per minute
The sum of all the volumes= vital capacity plus residual volume
Total lung capacity(5800mL)
The sum of all the volumes that can be inspired or exhaled?
Vital capacity (4600 mL)