Scope and Standards Flashcards
Consensus Model
defines APRNs and standardized requirements for each of the four APRN regulatory components including LACE
Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education
Four roles in the Consensus Model
Nurse anesthetists, Nurse practitioners, nurse midwifes, nurse specialists
APRNs must be educated and practice in at least
One of six population areas
family/individual across life-span, neonatal, pediatrics, adult-gerontology, women/gender related, physiological/mental health,
ARPNs must be what before being able to practice in a role and a population
Educated, certified, and licensed
Specialty training is
Optional, if pursued, the person should seek professional organization certification
Scope of Practice competencies
APRN core competencies (3 P’s physical assessment, pharmacology, pathophysiology)
Role core competencies
Population core competencies
Licensure occurs at what level of competency
Role and Population focus
Standards of Clinical Practice
Applies to the care ACNP provides to all patients within their education preparation and defines how quality of care might be evaluated
Describes a competent level of advanced nursing practice
6 standards (ADOPIE) Assessment Differential Diagnosis Outcome Identification Plan of Care Implement Treatments Evaluation
Scope of Practice, Education and Training qualifies the NP to
Order and interpret diagnostics
Use differential diagnosis to reach a medical diagnosis
Order, provide, and evaluate continuum of services
Two components of Certification
Becoming eligible by completing course of study with clinical hours and appropriate course content
Knowledge by passing a written exam
Scope of Practice
“What you can and can’t do”
Defines boundaries of the license (procedures, action, and process) for which the NP has received education, training, and licensure
Founded in state law, intended to protect the public
authoritative statements that describe the level of care/performance by which quality of nursing practice can be judged
Written to establish roles and responsibilities
Includes performance expectations
Standards of Professional Performance
“Playing nicely with others”
speak to the roles and behaviors expected of the advanced nursing profession
10 Standards (SLEEPCCCRQ) Systems Thinking Leadership Education Ethics Professional practice
Collaboration Collegiality (healthy work environment) Clinical Inquiry (research priorities) Resource Utilization Quality of Practice
Synergy Model definition
The needs and characteristics of patients and families influence and drive the characteristics and competencies of nurses
Links clinical practice and patient outcomes
8 Characteristics for both patient and nurse
Range 1-5
1= Bad
Patient Characteristics of Synergy Model
Resiliency (return to restorative functioning)
Vulnerability (susceptibility to stressors that can affect outcomes)
Stability (ability to maintain equilibrium)
Complexity (entanglement of 2 or more systems; body, family, therapies)
Resource Availability (financial, personal, social)
Participation in Care
Participation in Decision Making
Predictability (expect certain outcomes)
Nurse Characteristics of Synergy Model
Systems Thinking (body of knowledge/tools)
Clinical Judgement (critical thinking)
Advocacy and Moral Agency (presenting others/ethics)
Response to Diversity (cultural sensitivity/awareness)
Facilitation of Learning
Caring Practices (compassion/supportive) Collaboration (working with others) Clinical Inquiry (Questioning and evaluating practices)
Can death be an acceptable outcome?
Yes, in which the goal is a peaceful death
APRN Core Competencies
Advanced Pharmacology
Advanced Physical Assessment
Advanced Pathophysiology
AGACNP Competencies
6 Competencies
- Health promotion, protection, disease prevention, and treatment (ADPIE) Evaluate not actually included
- NP-Patient Relationship
- Teaching-Coaching function
- Professional Role (evidence, policy, self reflection)
- Managing & negotiating healthcare delivery systems (improve health outcomes)
- Monitoring & Ensuring the Quality of Healthcare Practice
AGACNP Competencies created to
Created by the NONPF
Build on the NP Core Competencies
The domains of NP practice provide a framework for AGACNP competencies
Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments
6 Standards (think of the job posting requirements)
- Skilled Communication
- True Collaboration
- Effective Decision-Making
- Appropriate Staffing
- Meaningful Recognition
- Authentic Leadership
The Critical Care Workforce Partnership
To inform policy makers of the shortages of all healthcare workers trained to care for the critically-ill; educate professionals in critical care; promote effective and safe systems of patient care; ensure adequate and trained workforce
Quality of Care combines
Goals of professional standards of care with defined expectations of patients and families
National Organization of Nursing Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
Core competencies for NPs that clarify entry into practice competencies expected upon graduation
Physician must see
A new patient to get 100% billing, otherwise NP bills at 85%
Authority to sign death certificate is dictated by
State laws
Typically physicians, coroners, medical examiners, NP
But this isn’t true for all states
Medicare does not reimburse hospital-acquired infections due to:
the Deficit Reduction Act
Topics of Anticipatory Guidance
before significant physical, emotional and psychological milestones, patients will anticipate impending changes, maximize their developmental potential and identify their special needs.
Injury prevention Feeding/Nutrition Daily Care/Activities Developmental/Behavioral Issues Medical
Scope and standards have no
legal rights