EENT Flashcards
Misdiagnosed strep throat that is treated, but actually in mononucleosis causes
break out in full body rash
Centor criteria
Pharyngitis management for possible Group A Beta hemolytic strep Fever Tonsillar exudates Absence of cough Tender cervical adenopathy
common finding of post nasal drip
nasal passages look _____ and ______ if caused by allergies
pale and boggy
Viral URI pathogens
Influenza, rhinovirus, coronavirus, RSV, and metapneumovirus
Serious life-threatening complications of sinusitis
Diagnostic study of choice for sinusitis
Causative organism of sinusitis
Risk factors for drug resistant bugs
Treatment of sinusitis in otherwise healthy pt.
Treatment of sinusitis in otherwise healthy adult with beta-lactam allergy
Treatment of sinusitis in adults with mild dz with recent abx exposure, or adults with mod. dz
Treatment of sinusitis in adults with mild dz with recent antbx exposure and beta-lactam allergy, or
Adults with moderate dz and a b-lactam allergy
Allergic conjunctivitis
Viral conjuctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Gonococcal conjunctivitis
S/S of conjunctivitis
Conjunctival erythema, injection, and discharge. Sensation of foreign body, or gritty eye.
EOMs and pupillary rxn should be normal
**Pt. should NOT complain of eye pain or photophobia
Normal tonometry (intraocular pressure)
Corneal abrasion
Trauma resulting in interruption of endothelial surface of cornea
Chronic, wide, or open-angle glaucoma
Acute, narrow, or closed-angle glaucoma
Bilateral uveitis
macular degeneration
baseline visual acuity and red/green color discrimination must be assessed in pts. beginning TB therapy with
Ludwigs angina
Kopliks spots
Squamous papilloma
Hairy leukoplakia
White painless lesions on the lateral aspects of the tongue
A painless mass on the eyelids, resulting from inflammation of a meibomian gland