Health Promotion Flashcards
Ideal body weight
Male - 106lbs for the first 5 feet. 6 lbs for each additional inch.
Female - 105 lbs for the first 5 ft. 5 lbs for each inch after that.
Subtract 10% for a small frame; add 10% for a large frame
Caloric needs
IBW x 10 = basal needs
IBW x activity level = activity needs (sedentary - 3, moderate - 5, strenuous - 10)
Basal + activity = total needs
Adjust needs during times of stress; major surgery doubles caloric needs
composition of diet
50%-60% carbs
<10% polyunsaturated fats)
300 mg/d cholesterol
0.8-1.0 g/kg/day protein
leading causes of death
13-39: MVA, homicide, accidents, heart dz
40-59: heart dz, lung dz, cerebrovascular dz, & lung, breast, and colon cancer
> 60: same as above plus pneumonia and influenza
maximum cardiopulmonary conditioning
moderately intense activity for 30 minutes 5days/wk
vigorous activity 20 minutes 2days/wk
adolescent health screening
STD for sexually active
UA/CBC once
PPD once unless high risk
complete biannual exam
health screening for ages 20-39
Health screening for ages 20-39 Complete physical at age 20, then every 5-6 years
cholesterol at age 20 then every 5 years
BP biannually
Pap every 3 years, GC/chlamydia in sexually active females, breast or testicular exams every 3 years
health screening for ages 40-59
Complete physical exam every 5-6 years
Breast and testicular exams yearly
Colorectal screening at age 50 then every 1-2 years
Tonometry annually (intraocular pressure - age 40)
health screening for ages >60
Complete physical exam biannually
Breast and testicular exams yearly
Colorectal screening at age 50 then every 1-2 years
Tonometry annually (intraocular pressure; glaucoma screening - age 40)
Currently no PAP recs
primary prevention
Healthy lifestyle, prevention of illness
Seatbelts, exercise, stop smoking, immunizations, eat right, sleep right, don’t drink too much, etc.
secondary prevention
Treat abnormalities before illness occurs. Early intervention, limitation of disability in disease
Screening and intervening
- BP screening, glucose checks, PAP smears
tertiary prevention
Prevent deterioration, rehabilitate. Provision of services aimed at restoring or arresting disability.
Occupational therapy, speech therapy, rehab, etc.
leading cause of mortality in everyone
coronary artery disease
leading cause of cancer morbidity in women
breast cancer
leading cancer mortality in women
Lung cancer is leading cancer mortality in men and women; more men die of lung cancer than do women.
leading cancer morbidity in men
prostate cancer
Chi square test
Compares data where numbers don’t have interval meaning (non-parametric)
parametric for 3 or more groups
pearson correlation coefficient
correlation between 2 variables
Students t-test
Compares the difference of 2 means between 2 groups of parametric data
probability that a test will be positive if the disease is present
probability that a test will be negative if the disease is absent