Random Topics Flashcards
Condition that causes leukopenia, specifically neutropenia
Felty syndrome as a part of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Anxiety causing hyperventilation leading to respiratory alkalosis can cause symptoms such as
“stocking glove paresthesia”, numbness/tingling in hands/feet, may cause
Treatment: calm patient, correct hyperventilation
When calculating total body surface area of burns, you do not include:
First degree burns
When a patient is exposed to tetanus, you must treat with:
Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG) 250 U for immediate danger and Tdap 0.5 cc for long term coverage
Td booster every 10 years
Recent head injury, with low urine specific gravity ~1.000, and normal glucose reveals a diagnosis of:
Diabetes Insipidus
Cause of hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, low glucose is a constellation of what disorder:
adrenocorticol insufficience
An important complication of inadequately treated hyponatremia would be:
cerebral edema
Milk-alkali syndrome is caused by:
use of antacids for osteoporosis leading to hypercalcemic nephropathy. Symptoms include constipation, polyuria, and hypercalcemia.
First line treatment: stop antacids
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma characteristic
Painless lymphadenopathy
What type of cells are present in Hodgkins lymphoma?
Reed-sternberg cells
What is present in myeloblastic leukemia that is not present in lymphoblastic leukemia?
Philadelphia chromosomes
Treatment of Uremia-induced coagulopathy
Disseminated intravascular coagulation S/S
bleeding or clotting
hemostasis disturbances, easy bruising and petechiae on mucosal membranes
thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, decreased RBC, increased fibrin degradation, prolonged PT and PTT
Infection and sepsis predispose to DIC
Diagnosis of sickle cell anemia
Hgb electrophoresis
Sickledex can identify sickle cell trait/anemia, but does not differentiate between the two
When to transition a DKA patient from IV insulin to SSI
When glucose 15
venous pH >7.3
Instrumental ADLs include
Activities that people do once they are up, dressed, put together. These tasks support an independent life style. Many people can still live independently even though they need help with one or two of these IADL’s. Including: cooking driving using the telephone or computer shopping keeping track of finances managing medication
Activities of daily living are the tasks that are required to get going in the morning:
- walking
- bathing
- dressing
- toileting
- brushing teeth
- eating
Type of Dialysis that does not remove toxins from the blood
Dry ultrafiltration
Indications to Change anti-retroviral therapy in AIDS
- Decrease in 25% of CD4 count despite 6 months of therapy
- Viral Load increase or above 10K despite treatment therapy for last 6 months
- Opportunistic Infection
Goal of HIV therapy
Immune Reconstitution
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS) or Immune Recovery Syndrome
The immune system begins to recover, but then responds to a previously acquired opportunistic infection with an overwhelming inflammatory response that paradoxically makes the symptoms of infection worse
At risk: AIDS patients, first HAART therapy (typically 1-3 months after the start)
Most common pathogens: M. tuberculosis and Cryptococcal meningitis; MAY DELAY TREATMENT WITH THESE ORGANISMS DUE TO INCIDENCE OF IRIS
Make sure this is not just a bad infection
Treatment- supportive and treat underlying infection
Self-Management must include
- Basic information about their disease
- Understanding of an assistance with self-management skill building
- Ongoing support from members of the practice team, family, friends, and community
Includes: medical, role, and emotional management
Six Sigma
Quality improvement plan characterized by limiting variability and removing defects in a process
Complementary therapy included in TPN to reduce length of stay
Fish Oil (Put in Lipids)
Conivaptan in SIADH mechanism of action
Vasopressin receptor antagonist
High pressure alarm after intubation can mean
Main stem intubation
Absence of physiologic cup can mean
increased ICP
COBRA insurance
allows people to keep health insurance after leaving employment
Loss of coverage due to non-payment or termination due to misconduct
Divorced spouse can still receive benefits
Most common place for elder abuse
community dwelling elders >65
Balance assessment test
Tinetti test
Greatest barrier to adherence of HIV meds
What does not designate a decision maker
Living Will
Durable POA, health care proxy, and guardianship all designate a decision maker
Highest suspicion for opiate seeking behavior if patient
states an allergy to NSAIDs
Most important factor in evaluation of a seizure
is eyewitness of the event
Normal age related changes
temporal wasting, thinning hair, dry hyperpigmented skin
Most successful teaching strategy for smoking cessation is
explaining how smoking increases risk of MI
When to get a Neph consult
when renal replacement anticipated in 1 year
Evidence-based literature does not need
to include outcomes of control/intervention
All adults screened for depression
if systems in place for treatment and follow-up
Acupuncture has
demonstrated utility in post-op pain management
Leading causes of death in US
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Chronic lower respiratory disorders
- Accidents
- Stroke
Safest way to prescribe
electronic prescribing
Elements of informed consent
know procedure
know risks/benefits
know alternatives
Restraints for the elderly due to what act
Omnibus Reconciliation Act
Best driving evaluation in the elderly
Clock drawing test and rail making test
Testing performance and cognition
Pulmonary HTN indices
RV dilation
increased hillier/thoracic ratio
RV hypertrophy
R wave: S wave ratio 1 in v1