Science Key Terms 2 Flashcards
endocrine gland
A gland that secretes hormones. A duct-less gland.
Involving the absorption of heat
enzymatic digestion
The breakdown of food by enzymes for absorption.
A substance produced by a living thing that acts as a catalyst. A catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction by lowering cell activation energy, most enzymes are proteins.
The outer layer of the skin
A polar, water-soluble hormone released by adrenals in response to stress. Also known as adrenaline.
epiphyseal plate
Hyaline cartilage in long bones where bone elongation happens. Also known as the growth plate.
The stage of a chemical reaction in which both reactants and products are present, and their concentrations no longer change.
The stage of a chemical reaction in which both reactants and products are present and their concentrations no longer change.
A female sex hormone released by ovaries
Elimination of metabolic waste from the body.
exocrine glands
A gland that produces secretions having an extracellular effect, such as chemical digestion. These secretions leave the gland by way of a duct: salivary glands, mammary glands, sweat glands, etct.
Involving release of heat
fallopian tubes
Tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.
fatty acid
A molecule composed of a long hydrocarbon chain with a carboxylic acid group on one end.
or (conception). The fusion of the egg and sperm.
Materials, including water, that leave the blood through the walls of the glomerular capillaries to enter the Bowman’s capsule.
flat bones
Thin bones that have plate-like shape, such as bones of the cranium
follicle-stimulating hormone
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that stimulates development of eggs in ovaries and sperm in testes.
Saclike structure that contains and allows for maturation of the female ovum (egg) within the ovary.
Eukaryotic organisms that obtain nutrients by absorbing organic material from their environment (decomposers) through symbiotic relationships with plants or harmful relationships with a host.
gall bladder
The organ that stores bile
Sex cell, in males the sperm, in females the eggs (ova).
A sequence of DNA that is the basic unit of heredity.
genetic code
The set of 64 codons that specify the 20 amino acids.
The complete set of genetic information in a cell.
The genetic makeup of an individual
Excessive growth resulting from overproduction of growth hormone.
An organ that secretes a substance
A network of capillaries from which blood pressure pushes water, salt, glucose, amino acids, and urea from the blood.
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates its target cells in the liver to convert hepatic glycogen stores into glucose and release that glucose into the blood.
A sugar compound that serves as the backbone for triglycerides and phospholipids.
Golgi Apparatus
A cell organelle that processes proteins and lipid molecules.
Reproductive organ that produces gametes in males the testes, in females ovaries. Also produces hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and progestrone.
graduated cylinder
A narrow cylinder used to measure liquid volume
Metric unit of mass
A column of elements in the periodic table
growth hormone
A secretion of the anterior pituitary that stimulates tissue growth. Also known as somatotropin.
hair follicles
Tubes arising from the dermis surrounded by invaginations of epithelial tissue, from which hair growth occurs.
Haversian Canal
Channels in bone that contain blood vessels and nerves. Also called the central canal.
Muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
helper T cell
A type of lymphocyte that secretes interleukins, a protein that triggers the action of other cells, including the attack of foreign cells by the cytotoxic T cell.
Protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
The state of carrying different alleles of a gene. Ex: Aa
hinge joint
A joint that allows for flexion and extenstion of the more distal bone along only one plane. Ex: knees, elbows, toes, and ankles. Joints allow for bending and straightening movements.
A white blood cells secretion that triggers capillary permability and vasodilation.
The maintenance of a constant internal environment.
The state of carrying a pair of identical alleles of a gene. Ex: AA or aa.
A chemical messenger produced by a gland and transported by the bloodstream that regulates specific processes in the body.
A larger organisms on whose body a parasite lives.
hyaline cartilage
The kind of connective tissue that protects bone in articulating joints.
hydrogen bond
A type of non-covalent bond; a weak attraction between a hydrogen atom bound to an electronegative atom and a second highly electronegative atom.
hydrolysis reaction
A chemical reaction in which a water molecule cleaves a covalent bond to form two products; monomeric subunits of polymers are cleaved from a polymer by this reaction.Hydrolysis reactions are the reverse of condensation reactions. In a hydrolysis reaction, a larger molecule forms two (or more) smaller molecules and water is consumed as a reactant. Hydrolysis (“hydro” = water and “lysis” = break) involves adding water to one large molecule to break it into multiple smaller molecules.
Water loving
Water fearing
A malfunction of regulatory feedback loops leading to the overproduction of thyroid hormone.
The deepest layer of the skin
A location in the brain that integrates the endocrine and nervous systems.
An informed guess about a causal relationship that is generated by observation and initial data collection.
Joints such as those between the plates of the skull, that do not allow motion.
immune system
A system that protects the body from disease-causing agents known as pathogens by responding to substances on the surfaces of agents that the body perceives as foreign.
An antibody
independent variable
The condition that is manipulated or changed in an experiment.
infectious/communicable diseases
Diseases that spread from one person to another.
The resulting redness, swelling, heat and pain in an area of defense by innate immunity.
Transmission of characteristics to offspring.
inhibiting hormones
Chemical messengers that restrict the production of certain hormones.
innate defense
A nonspecific response to pathogens by immune system.a generalized defense mechanism that acts against a wide range of pathogens without targeting any specific one, essentially providing a first line of defense against infection;
innate immune system
A collection of nonspecific barriers and cellular responses that serve as an inborn first and second line of defense against pathogens.
A hormone that triggers the influx of glucose into cells, thus lowering blood glucose levels.
integumentary system
An organ system comprised of skin and its associated organs.
Proteins secreted by leukocytes when they are infected with viruses.
Proteins secreted by leukocytes when they are infected with viruses. Proteins that help the body’s immune system fight infection, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. They are a type of cytokine, which is a signaling molecule.
The stage of mitosis or meiosis in which DNA replicates.
without intentional control
A positively or negatively charged atom or molecule.
ionic bond
The bond between two oppositely charged ions.
irregular bones
Bones that do not fit into the three bone shape categories: flat bone, long bone, short bone.
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons and electrons.
Places in the skeletal system where bones meet other bones. Some joints are movable, and some are immovable because the bones are fused together ( skull bones).
A tough protein made by epithelial keratinocytes.
The pair of organs that regulate fluid balance and filter waste from the blood.
Kinetic Molecular Theory
A theory stating that molecules that make up all matter are in constant motion, and the temperature of a substance is directly proportional to average kinetic energy of its molecules.
Temp= constant motion of molecules
Microscopic pits in bones that contain osteocytes and connect to each other within an osteon by way of canaliculi.
Layers of bone, tissue, or cell walls.
large intestine
Comprised of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal, it is where vitamins and water are absorbed before feces is stored prior to elimination.
le Chatelier’s principle
A principle stating that when a chemical reaction at equilibrium is perturbed, it responds by proceeding in a direction that will restore the equilibrium.
Measurement of distance from end to end
White blood cells, which protect the body against disease.
A tough connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
Pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fat
Fatty acids and their derivatives that are insoluble in water
Measurement of liquid volume
The organ that produces bile, regulates glycogen storage, and performs other bodily functions
Long Bones
Bones that have a pronounced longitudinal axis
Luteinizing hormone
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that is responsible for triggering ovulation in ovaries and the production testosterone by testes.
Clear fluid that moves throughout the lymphatic system to fight disease
A category of white blood cells that includes natural killer cells, B-cells, helper T-cells, and cytotoxic T-cells
A cell organelle that aids in digestion and recycling of old cell materials
Very large molecules, four major types of which are important to living things: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
A large white blood cell that ingests foreign material
A measurement of inertia, commonly considered the amount of material contained by an object and causing it to have weight in a gravitational field
The area between two lungs
Specialized cell division used to create haploid gametes in diploid organisms
memory cell
A lymphocyte that responds to an antigen upon reintroduction
Mendelian inheritance
Inheritance of traits that follow Gregor Mendel’s two laws and principle of dominance. Also known as mendelism
A substance that is a good conductor of electricity and heat, forms cations by loss of electrons, and yields basic oxides and hydroxides
The stage of mitosis in which chromosomes align
metaphase I
The stage of meiosis I in which pairs of homologous chromosomes align
metaphase II
The stage in meiosis II in which individual chromosomes align
Organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye and may be classified as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa (including algae), or animals.
mineral resorption
The osteoclasts removal of calcium from bone so it can enter the bloodstream.
Deposition of hydroxyapatite onto the highly organized collagen matrix in bone
The site of energy production in a cell
Cell division in eukaryotes that produces two daughter cells, each with the same chromosome number as the parent cell