Digestive System 1 Flashcards
oral cavity at the entry to the alimentary canal. Mechanical digestion begins here. Chemical digestion begins with enzyme amalyase and Lipase ( breaks down starch and lipids).
The opening of the rectum from which solid waste is expelled.
an organ that secretes a substance. perform mechanical and chemical digestion.
enzymatic digestion
The breakdown of food by enzymes for absorption.
smooth muscle
Muscles that can be found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach and intestines. Involved in mechanical digestion and movement of food through the digestive system.
nervous system
maintains homeostasis controls and affects every part of the body. Parasympathetic nervous system controls movement of food through the digestive system.
the organ between the esophagus and small intestine in which major portion of digestion exists. Blood vessels along stomach absorb nutrients. Mechanically broken down food is chyme. Hydrochloric Acid, mucus, pepsinogen (converts to pepsin to chemically breakdown proteins).
Large intestine
Comprised of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal, it is where vitamins and water are absorbed before feces is stored prior to elimination. Digestive material moves through cecum into large intestine and colon. Large intestine absorbs salt. Bacteria fermentation happens in the colon. Vitamin K absorbed in large intestine. Waste ejected through anus.
the last section of the large intestine ending with the anus.
A substance produced by a living thing that acts as a catalyst. Catalyst speeds up the chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy, in cells, most enzymes are proteins.
clear liquid found in the mouth, also known as spit.
Fatty acids and their derivatives that are insoluble in water
Pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fat
A mass of food that has been chewed and swallowed. Goes through the pharynx, while epiglottis closes trachea opening , passes into esophagus.
Contraction of muscle , moves bolus through gastric sphincter to stomach
semifluid mass of partly digested food that moves from the stomach to the small intestine.
A stomach enzyme that breaks down proteins
Small intestine
The part of the GI tract between the stomach and the large intestine that includes the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum, where digestion and absorption of food occurs. Chyme is pushed here. Duodenum chyme is neutralized by bicarbonate from the pancreatic secretions. Receives alkaline bile juices from gallbladder, which neutralizes acidic chyme. Produces high number of brushborder enzymes (Protease, lactase, disacharides) and bicarbonate. Ileum absorb water hydrophillic nutrients into blood, lipids into lacteals, and vitamin B 12.
water loving
The organ that produces bile and, regulates glycogen storage and performs other bodily functions. Blood carrying nutrients passes from small intestine to liver through hepatic portal duct, allowing enzymes to deaminate(remove amino group) amino acids, convert amonia to urea, metabolize toxins, store glucose into glycogen.
Amino acids are
monomers that make up proteins
A chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base with at least part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a cation. NACL
Unicellular organisms that are capable of causing disease.
A hormone includes cellular uptake of glucose into cells, thus lowering blood glucose levels
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates its target cells in the liver to convert hepatic glycogen stores into glucose and release that glucose into the blood. Breakdown of stored glycogen.
a long bundle of neuronal axons that transmits signals to and from the central nervous system. Nerve function modulate digestive action.
First part of small intestine. Chyme is neutralized by bicarbonate from secretions. Receives alkaline bile from gallbladder, which helps neutralize acidic chyme. produces enzymes like lactase and proteases.
microvilli absorb water soluble digested nurtrients into blood, lipids into lacteals, chylomicrons, and vitamin B12.
Proteins that catalyze and speed up the breakdown of food so nutrients are available for the body. Involved in chemical digestion.