School Aged-Children Flashcards
school aged children is between
6 and 12 years
time of
slow physical growth yet rapid cognitive frowth and development
the need and outlook b/w “7 and 10” years old and 11 and 12 year olds are
considerably different
development of SA child is
more subtle
marked by ____ mood swings
more influenced by the
attitudes of hte peers
May not choose the
activities they enjoyed before because friends no longer plays with i
SA period is the
first time children begin to make independent judgements
there may be conflicts with
Average annual weight gain:
an increase in height of
1 to 2 in or 2.5 to 5cm
brain growth is
fine motor coordination becomes refined:
10 years of age
adult vision level
talk in full sentences, using langage easily with meaning, define objects by their use
6 year olds
can tell time in hours trouble with concepts as “half-past” and quarter to. can name the months, add substract and make simple change
most 7 year olds
discover dirty jokes, use swear words to express anger
9 year olds
can carry on adult conversation
12 year olds
can accomlish small tasks independently because they have gained
learning is an adventure and more rewarding than watchin things being done
sense of initiatve
learning how to do things
learning how to do things well
if children are preveneted from achieving industry or do not receive awarf from accomplishments,
they can develop into inferiority
_ and _ as setting to learning industry
home and school
an important part of learning industry
solve problems
help children develop skills by
shift from preoperational throught to concrete operational thought
cognitive development
the ability to reason through any problem they can actually visualize
concrete operational thought
the ability to protect one’s self into other people’ situation and see the world from their own view
the ability to adapt throught proceses to fit what is perceived cush as understanding that there can be more than one reason for other people’s action
the ability to appreciate that a change in shape does not necedssary mean a change in size
the ability to understand that objects can belong to more than one classification
class inclusion
need good education on
safert pratices
SA children should keep adults informed as to where they and that they are doing
use of cellphones can help
be aware of the frequency of unintentional injuries increases
when parents are under stress therefore less attentive
increased __ intake in prepuberty, adequate ____ and ____for teeth and bone growth
iron, calcium and fluoride
often based on what’s popoulat or what friends like
clothing style
help parents be aware that a child who wears different clothing than others may become the
object of exclusion
Sleep for younger SA
10-12 hrs
Sleep for Older SA
8-10 hrs
may continue during earlt SA years
Nighttime Terrors
childre w/ tb sets etc have shorter sleep time may likely become
age generally capable of bathing
8 year olds
2x yearly to
visit to dentish
brush daily
for girls in hygiene - informaton about hygeien during
menstrual period