quiets momentarily at a distinctive sound such as bell.
hearing awareness become acute that infants will stop an activity at the sound of spoken voice.
2 months
turn their heads to attempt to locate a sound.
3 months
turn & look at the direction of sound.
4 months
can locate sounds downward & to the side by turning their head & looking down.
5 months
able to locate the sounds made above them.
6 months
infants can recognize their name when spoken to.
10 months
can easily locate sound in any direction and turn toward it.
12 months
A vocabulary of two words plus ______ demonstrates an infant can hear.
ma-ma, da-da
Infants appear to enjoy
soft musical sounds, and cooing voices.
Tape recordings of _______ can be soothing to very young infants.
maternal heart sounds
Encourage parents to read to their child daily from the beginning of life thru early school age- as this increases
language development
infants need to be touched or experience skin-to-skin contact
Clothes must be comfortable and soft.
Teach parents to handle infants with assurance and gentleness. Premature infants need to be kept warm while being held or cuddle the infants to their chest
(KANGAROO care).
infants have acute sense of the used by turning away or spitting out at the state and not enjoy.
can smell accurately within___ _____of birth.
- appear to enjoy pleasant odours and identify the familiar______. Respond to irritating smell by drawing back from it.
one or two degrees
smell of breasts