SA Liver Flashcards
Principles of Tx
Eliminate causative agent
Supress ongoing disease
Optimise regenerative capacity
Control complications
Therapy based on biopsy results
-Neutrophil - AB
-Lymphocytes - Imm Suppression
Fibrosis- A-Fibrotics
Cu accumulation- decoppering
Bac culture - AB
Dietary management
Hepatic encephalopathy- lower NH3 production
-Protein restriction
Chr active Infl- reduce infl, less Cu
-alter mineral balance
-fat soluble vits
Glucocorticoid therapy
Chr active Infl- lymphocytes and plasma cells on biopsy
Hepatic fibrosis- biopsy fibrosis
better well being, stim appetite, Immunosuppression, Anti-fibrotic
Dis- steroid hepatopathy, Dz vulnerability, fluid retention
Cu tox Tx
Absorption blockers-
Oral Zn
Adjunctive therapy
Costly, broad measure
Ursodeoxycholic acid
-hydrophylic bile, better flow (not if complete obst.)
S-Adenosyl methionine
-GSH production precursor, detox
ABs liver
Bacterial cholangiohepatitis-
-Biopsy +culture-> Ab (metro)
Hepatic encephalopathy-
-CS, PTH, image->AB (metro)
Specific therapies liver
Immune med- Biopsy->Preds
Fibrosis- biopsy->Preds
Cu accumulation- breed biopsy->Penicillamine/ Zn
Hepatic encephalopathy
ID and treat precipitating cause
-Dehydration, alkalosis, HypoK, GI haemorrhage
Lower NH3-
-Less protein diet, lactulose, AB
Lactulose retention enema (coma)
Ascites and oedema
Low Na diet
Diuretics - spironolactone
Paracentesis - minimal vol., could lower body protein levels
Haemorrhage and anaemia
Vit K injections
Fresh blood transfusion
B vitamin injections
Acid blockers