Endocrine Surgery Flashcards
Thyroid glands
Paired - dogs - may communicate ventrally
Lateral tracheal rings 5-8
Right structures - carotid sheath, RLN
Left structures - oesophagus RLN
Thyroid anatomy
Normally flat and not palpable
Blood - Cr thyroid art (common carotid)
- Cd thyroid artery (brachycephalic Art(not cats))
Innervation - thyroid nerve (vagus)
Ectopic tissue
- common along trachea
Parathyroid glands
Para - beside (2 pairs)
External - Cr thyroid pole
Internal - embedded in Cd pole
Small ellipsoid discs of tissue
Ectopic tissue common for cats
(Ass. with thymus)
Thyroid hormone function
Metabolic rate
Catabolism (msc and fat)
Body temperature
Sympathetic drive
Emetic centre and heart msc
Clinical exam findings (Hyper Thy)
Poor BCS
Rough coat
Cardiac signs
Palpable thyroid
Subcut I-131
Accumulates in hyperactive tissue (destroys)
95% success 1 dose
Adv -
Low risk
Cheaper long term
No compliance issues
Hospitalised 7d
Non reversible hypothyroidism
Specialist procedure
Adv - curative, long term cheap, low compliance
Dis- not reversible, hypoCa, Sx
Pre-op- Euthyroid state (3m drugs)
Tx Hyper BP and kalaemia
Unilat - contralateral atrophy
Preserve parathyroid
Modified intracapsular technique
Parathyroid autotransplantation
If Ext PTH removed
Small pocket in sternohyoid
Dissected PTH insert into pocket
Takes 2wks for function resumption
Iatrogenic HypoPTH
Mild transient decrease in serum CA post Sx
Monitor Ca 1 wk postop
Canine thyroid tumours
90% carcinoma
Mostly non functional and high metastasis risk
Old large breeds, palpable mass
Dx - US
Biopsy contraindicated (bad bleed)
Tx -Thyroidectomy
Don’t need euthyroidism
1° Hyper PTH
Uncommon - dogs
Solitary PTH adenoma
Often incidental finding
Fibrous osteodystrophy (rubber jaw)
Dx - US, biochem (HIgh Ionised Ca, high PTH)
Tx - parathyoidectomy
Postop- monitor Ca, keep calm
Adrenal glands
Med - Cr to kidneys
Left blood - aorta
Right blood - adhered Cd VC
Medulla - catecholamines (epinephrine)
Z glomerulosa - mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) (out)
Z fasciculata - glucocorticoids (cortisol) (mid)
Z reticularis - Sex Hrm, glucocorticoids (in)
Adrenal tumours
Not always functional
Cortisol secreting- adeno(carcino)ma hyperadrenocorticism
Catecholamine sec- phaechromocytoma- sev paroxysmal high BP, tachyArrh
Dx - haematology, biochem, LDDST, imaging
Adrenalectomy pre-op
Cortisol sec - Trilostane 1m (ACE Inh if high BP)
Phaechromocytoma- alpha blocker 2wks
- difficult GA
Adrenalectomy Sx
Vtl Midline coeliotomy
R side harder to expose
incise peritoneum at gland’s lateral aspect
Refer for the Sx (high mortality rate)
Sx margins
Intracapsular - benign Dz
\/ en bloc removal - mass + tissue compartment \/
Marginal - reactive zone dissection, benign. cytoreduction
Wide - skin and subcut tumours
Radical - poorly localised/ high grade malignancy
Avoid tumour tissue to prevent seeding