Ribs and Sternum Flashcards
Know how the ribs articulate with the vertebrae and the sternum
2 costovertebral, 1 costotransverse, 1st rib – unique articulartion with sternum
Know the restrictions possible in the ribs.
- Dorsal
- Ventral
- Cranial
- Caudal
Know 2 methods of palpation and of manipulation for a cranial or caudal rib.
- Stand by horse’s side, take tail in hand, place other hand over last rib. Gently pull tail towards to create small lateral bend. The rib should move cranially. If push away – rib should move caudally
- On bale, calcaneal contact on the dorsal arch of the rib, lateral to longissimus muscle. Motion for a dorsal rib.
Rib cranial or caudal manipulation (2 methods)
- Caudal rib on left – stand on left side. Edge left hand on caudal aspect of body of rib. Tail in right land traction for lateral bend. Put steady cranial pressure on rib during inspiration and hold through expiration. May need 2-3 breaths. Release slowly
- Cranial rib – lateral bend away, push on expiration and hold
- Caudal rib on the left - On bale facing horse’s head, calcaneal contact on the caudal aspect of the dorsal arch of the rib -
Know how to manipulate a dorsal rib
On bale, calcaneal contact on the dorsal arch of the rib, lateral to longissimus muscle. Motion for a dorsal rib.
Why do we palpate the ribs by inducing a lateral bend?
It creates motion in the rib
Is it ok if the horse leans left and right without lateral bend? Why?
No. If horse leans with no lateral bend, ribs won’t move
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T8
T8 is the center of mass. Horse shifts center of gravity
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T10-13
Shortened stride of front legs, walking on eggshells, worse under saddle, lung and heart problems, rushing fences, flat jump, pulling on the reins (BL15,16,17)
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T-14
Local mm contracture and liver problems (BL-18)
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T-15
2nd sweat after the initial cooling out. Prone to colic, both impaction and diarrhea and are emotiona (BL-19)
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T-16/17
Edema (BL-20), horse may not track straight
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T6- T11
Girthiness, pain is dorsal, when pain is ventral look to lower cervicals
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T-18.
Impaction colic or constipation
Know what signs may be seen with a restriction at T11-13
Frequent yawning, cribbing, ulcers
Know how to palpate and manipulate a sternum left or right.
More of a muscular release. Girth area, calcaneal contact on lateral side of ascending pectoral muscle and traction away from your body then traction towards you. Adjustment is similar to hyoid. Push away from restriction for 10-20 minutes.