Additional HW Questions Flashcards
The patient contact point for an AS ilium on the left is
tuber coxa on the left
You have found the 10th rib cranial on the left. Can you adjust this from the ground?
The first dorsal spinous process of the sacrum that can be palpated is _____________.
How is cartilage affected when the joint loses its normal range of motion?
it gets less nutrition due to decreased imbibition
Why is it recommended to train three times per week?
because the first day or two after exercise collagen degradation is greater than synthesis
To manipulate a right dorsal atlas the Dr. position is
Stand on the side opposite of the restriction facing the horse and use your fist as a contact point on the dorsal arch of the atlas
When a horse is worked in collection over time is bottom line becomes
deeper in the flank
You have found a restriction as you pull the tail down and to the left while listening to the right sacral base. What is the listing?
sacrum LL
______ (muscle) has a large thick tendon, attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle and via the lacertus fibrosus to the extensor carpi radialis
The biceps brachii
After a limb injury it is important to train
abdominal muscles
Muscles that attach to the tuber coxae include:
tensor fascia lata, external abdominal oblique and superficial gluteal
Why do we pull away, yell and get hot when we hit our thumb with a hammer?
pain stimulates the withdrawal reflex, the limbic area of the brain and causes an autonomic response.
When the tuber coxa is fractured, the fragment is usually pulled
What are two patient contact points to adjust a lumbar spinous left?
dorsal spinous process and right mamillary process
The line of correction or LOC for a sacral apex left is 10 degrees to the left of the dorsal midline
The dorsal sacroiliac ligament has a form that is similar to the ___________.
nuchal ligament
What is the primary factor in proper oxygenation?
mechanical movement of the ribs and spine
How do shoes affect amount of impact vibration in the fetlock and above?
shoes increase the impact vibrations above the fetlock
A PI ilium is rotated
caudal and dorsal
Which muscles do we need to engage to help stabilize our low back?
longissimus lumborum and transversus abdominis
The caudal and middle cervical sympathetic ganglion are near
first rib
What initiates swing in the hind limb?
hip extension and stretch of the flexor muscles
The superficial back line has _________(fast or slow) twitch muscle and is used for ________ (posture or flexion).
slow, posture
What happens to muscle force if the surrounding fascia is split?
muscle force is decreased because the fascia helps to share force
Like the rigid pieces in a tensegrity model the joints should______ in the soft tissue
The biceps femoris, semitendinosus and the semimembranosus muscles are different in the horse than they are in dogs or humans. What is the proximal attachment of these muscles in the horse?
sacral and coccygeal vertebrae
Intertransverse joints are usually found at ______________________.
L5-L6 and L6-S1
The neck should be in extension during motion palpation.
Muscles that attach to the tuber ischium include:
semimembranosus and biceps femoris
Poor hoof balance can affect spinal manipulation by
making the restrictions recur quickly i.e. the adjustments will not last
Which of the abdominal muscles can actually help extend the spine?
transversus abdominis
What problem may be indicated when the rider states that the horse frequently “drops out” behind?
Sciatic nerve dysfunction
What muscle attaches at the transverse processes of T3-C3 to the mastoid process of the skull?
longissimus capitis
Why does the sacroiliac joint need so many ligaments to stabilize it?
it has a flat shape and no bony contours to stabilize it
Hip flexors include
psoas major and tensor fascia lata
Fibroblasts can be active or resting. What makes the fibroblasts active?
mechanical stress
What aids circulation of lymph?
A large positive dissociation at the walk may lead to
a lateral walk or “pacing”
What is the line of correction for a T9 dorsal?
45° caudodorsal to cranioventral
What is normal pelvic motion at a walk?
up/down and left/right
The _________ attaches to the thoracolumbar fascia to communicate with the ___________ an important hip extensor.
Latissimus dorsi, middle gluteal
Anatomy trains are
myofascial lines of strain and tension
The __________ has a caudal origin and inserts on the teres major tuberosity of the humerus and is balanced by the _____________which has a cranial origin and inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.
latissimus dorsi and brachiocephalic
A muscle that opposes the action of the brachialis is
What does it mean if the horse “flips its toes” in the extended trot?
it is not using its core muscles to lift the back
Muscles in the horse’s trunk that have a similar muscle fiber direction are
Serratus ventralis thoracis and external intercostal
A common presenting sign of a horse with sciatic pain or dysfunction is
dropping out behind
What is the patient contact point to adjust a sacral apex in a 3 year old?