Resp Flashcards
When stepping down asthma treatment what should you do?
Reduce the ICS by 25-50%
What are the common features of a lung abscess presentation?
Symptoms develop over weeks, systemic symptoms, productive cough with foul-smelling sputum, some haemoptysis, chest pain, dyspnoea
What are the X-Ray signs of a lung abscess?
fluid-filled space within an area of consolidation, air-fluid level
What is the management of a lung abscess?
IV Abx
percutaneous drainage if not resolving
What is FEV1?
The total volume of air someone is able to exhale in the first second of forced expiration
What is FVC?
The total volume of air that can be exhaled by the person in one breath
What is the FEV1/FVC ratio like in obstructive diseases?
Low (FEV1 is low but the total volume of air the lungs can hold is the same, they just have issues getting it out)
What is alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency?
A genetic condition that classically causes emphysema
What are the causes of upper zone lung fibrosis?
- coal workers pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, ankylosing spondylitis, radiation, tuberculosis, silicosis/sarcoidosis
What is the most common type of lung cancer in non-smokers?
What are the most common types of lung cancer in smokers?
adenocarcinoma, small cell and squamous cell
Which type of lung cancer is associated with gynaecomastia?
Which type of lung cancer is most associated with finger clubbing?
squamous cell
What is a pancoast tumour?
A tumour at the apex of the lung
What are the features of a pancoast tumour?
Persistent hoarse voice, smoking history, malaise, weight loss
What score is used to decide if a PE can be managed in outpatients?
Pulmonary embolism severity index (PESI)
What is a common complication of steroid inhaler use?
Oral/oesophageal candidiasis (painful swallowing)
What is the management of extrinsic alveolitis?
e.g. farmers lung/pigeon fanciers lung
Avoid triggers,
oral glucocorticoids
What is the most common cause of resp infections in COPD patients?
Haem flu (most common), step pneumonia
What are the features of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- exertional dyspnoea
- bibasal fine end creps
- dry cough
- clubbing
- ground- glass
What X Ray finding is indicative of bronchiectasis?
tram-line - parallel line shadows
What is the PEFR gradings of asthma attacks?
<33% = life-threatening
33-50% = severe
50-70% = moderate