Ophthalmology Flashcards
What are the features of acute closed-angle glaucoma?
Acute, severe unilateral eye pain, systemic features. A fixed dilated pupil, enlarged conjunctival blood vessels and a hazy cornea. Pain worse in the dark, due to angle closure increasing intra-ocular pressure
What does hypermetropia mean?
What are cotton wool spots in the eye?
pre-capillary arteriolar occlusion - part of diabetic retinopathy
What is the management of visual loss secondary to temporal arteritis?
IV methylprednisolone
What is the management of acute angle closure glaucoma?
timolol/pilocarpine eye drops and IV acetazolomide
What is the management of primary open angle glaucoma?
laser trabeculopathy
consider lanatoprost eyedrops
What is the management of anterior uveitis?
steroid and cycloplegic eye drops
What are the features on fundoscopy of anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy?
swollen pales disc with blurred margins
What are the features of diabetic retinopathy on fundoscopy?
cotton wool spots, hard exudates and blot haemorrhages
What are the features of papilloedema on fundoscopy?
elevated optic disc with blurred margins
What is keratitis?
Inflammation of the cornea - can be sight threatening
What are the risk factors for retinal detatchment?
diabetes mellitus, myopia (near-sightedness), age, previous surgery, eye trauma
What are the symptoms of retinal detatchment?
new onset floaters/flashes, sudden onset painless, progressive vision loss