Research Methods & Theoretical Perspectives. Flashcards
Do men really think about sex more than
telling counter (press whenever u think about sex)
this difference was also found that they though more about sleep and food
What’s up with our primal inclination toward novelty and lust being in direct contrast with societal inclinations toward monogamy?
- People want to expand their experiences and extend their identities
- This desire for expansion helps explain why we enter into relationships with others
- A relationship is successful when it expands both partner’s identities (not when people lose their identity); relationships stagnate when
expansion stops (infidelity?)
Goals of Sex Research
- Basic knowledge
- Understanding to influence behaviour
- Understanding to inform public policy(laws)
- Provides facts that inform personal decisions/opinions
Research Methods
- sample should represent the population
-Random sample - Generalization
- Selection/volunteer bias
Ethical Principles
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans
-they decide if the study will go on
protect human dignity:
Protection from harm; cost-benefit analysis
* Confidentiality/anonymity
Informed consent
Tuskegee Study - sephilis study, black people (with low income) were injected with the virus to learn how it progresses but they did not get medice afterwards,have coercing incetives
Methods of Research
-Self Report
* Qualitative Methods
-Direct Observation
-Content Analysis (Media) - Experimental Designs
Survey Methods
* Questionnaire vs Interview
Problems associated with self-report
-Purposeful distortion, social desirability
-Ability to estimate
-Faulty memory
-Interpreting the question - important to be very specific - **Cross-sectional: ** we dont know what is causing what cant prove causation but u can use it to make hipothasesis
Defining Sex
* assigned sex at birth
sexual behaviour:
may include genital and non-
genital sexual expression
may, or may not, include sexual
arousal and orgasm
- context
Survey large scale
Kinsey survey:
-sexual behaviours
-non-judgmental questions
-sample was not random but students(not very generalizable)
-interviews and written servey
-biggest and most recent sex servey
-random sampling of american public
British National surveys
-once in 10 and 10 years
-large scale sex servey -
-canada dosnt have a big scale sex servey
-usually use american serveys(not really good do it)
Canadian Surveys
Canada Youth Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Study
(Boyce et al., 2002)
- Students in grades 7, 9, 11
- 23% boys, 19% of girls in grade 9
- 40% of boys, 46% of girls in grade 11
kids werent as sexually active as in the 90’s
- some school or parents would not allow
- some people just didnt want to do it
Canadian Community Health
Survey (Rotermann, 2012)
Examined sexual health behaviour of youth ages 15-24 during two time periods (2009/2010 and compared to
2003 data)
- 66% of youth aged 15-24 had sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal) at least one time (consistent with 2003)
- 30% of teens age 15-17, 68% of teens ages 18-19, and
85% of youth aged 20-24 had sexual intercourse at least
one time (consistent with 2003 data)
2014 Health Behaviour in School-
Aged Children Study
grade 10 students
found that from 2002 to 2014 sexual intercourse within that grade was pretty consistent
BC Adolescent Health Survey
(McCreary Centre Society, 2018
- 30,000 grade 7 to 12 students completed the survey,
compared to 2008 data - 19% of students reported ever having intercourse
(compared to 24% in 2008)
-3% of 13-year-olds
-16% of 15-year-olds
-39% of 17-year-olds - 23% reported ever having had oral sex (compared to
26% in 2008)
this serveyed showed that teens that had a good relationship with school and parents had generally less sex(oral or otherwize)
kids are having less sexs then previous years