Reproductive surgery - large animals Flashcards
How does castration affect carcass quality?
Increases fat content therefore poorer quality
Disadvantages - castration
reduced growth rate and FCE
Pain/growth check
Consumers prefer a lean carcase
Loss of potential breeding animal
Outline the anaesthetic legislation on castration
Anaesthesia required for:
bull, goat > 2 months
Ram > 3 months
[Elastrator ring is only for animals < 1 week old]
Are pigs usually castrated in the UK?
What is the failure rate of an elastrator/rubber ring?
Low (causes tissue necrosis)
What is the Burdizzo method?
= Bloodless castrator method
Calves and lambs
ADVANTAGES: no wound
DISADVANTAGES: pain, high failure rate, scrotal ischaemia, crushing sigmoid flexure
Outline the Burdizzo technique
Draw right testis into bottom of scrotal sca, hold spermatic cord firmly against lateral edge of neck of scrotum, clamp cord about 4cm above the testis, second clamp about 1cm distal to the first, repeat for left testis, but leaving a gap between left and right crush marks.
Warn owner to check scrotum contains 2 hard nuts, 8 weeks later
Complications - Burdizzo technique - 3
failure to crush cord adequately
scrotal necrosis
accidental clamping of sigmoid flexure of the penis
How do you anaesthetise for open castration?
3-5ml procain each side
infiltrate around cord, under skin, intra-testicular?, NSAIDs post-op
How do you perform open castration?
make a j-shaped incision through the skin, dartos and vaginal tunic down to testis, remove testis (pull and twist)
Complications - open castration
‘gut tie’ inguinal heriation
How do CS and foetotomy compare?
CS is less exhausting, speedier and safer than foetotomy
History that indicates CS
Heifer> cow > 5 dyas beyond expected calving date long period of unproductive straining valuable calf normal calving unlikely below age of 18 months BCS >3.5 or very thin gross confirmation abnormalities concurrent disease
Indications - CS
Foeto-maternal disproportion Incomplete dilatation of the cervix irreducible uterine torsion foetal deformity faulty foetal disposition (presentation, posture or position) deformities in maternal pelvis hydrops amni or allantois emphysematous foetus
What does a successful CS prognosis depend on? 6
duration of dystocia concurrent disease skill and speed of surgeon availability of skilled assistance surgical environment presence of a live calf
What do ‘bulldogs’ in a cow’s nose do?
Rings that help keep her restrained.
How can you reduce the cow’s straining without giving an epidural?
flex the calf’s carpal joints so that they aren’t stimulating the vagina. (epidurals increase the risk of a cow lying down)
What does clenbutorol do?
relaxes myometrium (illegal in the Netherlands and Belgium)
List the anaesthesia options for CS
PARAVERTEBRAL: T13, L1, L2 (not L3) Local block - LINE - Inverted "L" Epidural if straining Avoid sedation
What needles and suture material do you use?
MATERIAL: 5 to 8 metric catgut for uterus
NEEDLE: large curved round bodied
PATTERN: continuous inverting pattern (to accomodate shrinkage during involution)
When is a right-sided CS indicated? 2
If oversised foetus is situated on RHS
Marked rumen distension
When is a ventral CS indicated? 2
Dead and emphysematous calves
What might you use for abdominal antibiosis?
Crystapen (streptopen)
NOT metronidazole (ILLEGAL!!!!)
May give Ab between each mm layer when suturing up.
What drugs might you give a cow after a CS?
Topical spray
When do you do a follow-up exam on a cow after a CS?
24-72 hours later PE : TPR, rumen, uterus (stage of involution) Wound Appetite Cleansed/adhesions ABs - 3 days
CS intra-op complications - 6
Straining incised rumen uterine tear haemorrhage recumbency contamination (death)
CS post-op complications - 6
wound infections endo/metritis peritonitis sepsis (emphysema) adhesions infertility/sub-production (death)
What might the clinical status be of a small ruminants with multiple foetuses?
may be ketotic