Clinical disease of the reproductive tract in the dog and cat 2 - MALE Flashcards
What is the incidence of cryptorchidism?
3.3-3.5% dogs
1-1.3% cats
2003 - large study
Where will an undescended testicle be found?
abdominal, inguinal (commonest) or prescrotal
Is crytorchidism heritable?
Yes - ausomal recessive
What are retained testicles more susceptible to?
torsion and neoplasia
suggested that function of contralateral scrotal testicle may be abnormal (but lacks firm evidence)
Why do you see testicular hypoplasia with cryptorchidism?
because they’re kept at a high temperature
How common is anorchism/ monorchism?
extremely rare
What are 3 causes of testicles of different sizes?
Orchitis/ epididymitis
How do testicles change size?
MOST COMMON - one increases
One increases, other decreases in size
LEAST COMMON - one decreases in size
What is the second commonest site for tumours of male dogs?
What are the 3 most common testicular tumours?
Interstitial cell tumour
Sertoli cell tumour
Roughly equal indicence
Other tumour types reported but rare.
May have more than one tumour type
Are testicular tumours bengin?
Those affecting scrotal tissues are usually benign, thoses affecting cryptorchid testicles are more likely to be malignant
Where do malignant testicular tumours metastasise to?
LN usually, rarely to the viscera
Which testicular tumours are functional?
Interstitial/ leydig cell tumour - may produce testosterone
Sertoli clel tumours - may produce oestrogen causing feminisation
(seminomas may rarely be associated with feminisation)
Can all tumour types be associated with infertility?
Yes - production of hormones and replacement of functional tissues
Diagnosis and treatment of testicular tumours?
usuallly combined with castrated
When do orchitis and epididymitis occur?
usually occur together
What are the signs of orchitis/ epididymitis? 5
epididymal enlargement testicular pain tenseness and scrotal oedema may abcessate via scrotum animal may be systemically ill
What might chronic infections leads to orchitis/ epididymitis result in?
small and firm testicle with epididymal enlargements
adhesions between tunics and scrotum may reduce testicular mobility
Where might orchitis/ epididymal infections arise? 3
from urinary tract, direct penetrations or haematogenous spread
What does orchitis/epididymal treatment depend upon?
severity of signs
use of dog
frequently = castration