Bacterial infections in the genital tract Flashcards
Name 3 sources of infection for the repro tract.
What is the most important fungus to cause abortion?
Aspergillus (also mucor and others)
List the major causes of bovine abortion - 6
Leptospira hardjo Salmonella dublin (and other serovars) Bacillus licheniformis Brucella abortus and B. melitensis Mycoses
LEPTOSPIRA HARDJO - CATTLE: type of bacteria Consequences of infection Reservoir Diagnosis Zoonotic? Control
BACTERIA: gram negative, thin wall, doesn’t stain, spirocahete
INFECTION: –> abortion, infertility and milk loss
RESERVOIR: cattle, sheep, co-grazing, shared water, new animals, shared bull
DIAGNOSIS: herd serology (paired), dark field microscopy (highly motile)
ZOONOTIC: Yes –> flu like symptoms
CONTROL: vaccination or no treatment depending on herd severity
type of bacteria
Consequences of infection
BACTERIA: environmental, spore-forming, aerobic, gram positive, rod, opportunistic pathogen
INFECTION: –> sporadic abortion (from environment)
DIAGNOSIS: culture (difficult because present in environment all the time)
CONTROL: no methods
BRUCELLA ABORTUS - CATTLE: Bacteria Distribution Zoonotic? Consequences of infection Transmission Diagnosis
BACTERIA: delicate, gram negative coccobacillus
DISTRIBUTION: UK eradicated, present in Ireland and parts of Europe, persistent in many parts of world
ZOONOTIC: yes –> undulant fever
INFECTION: chronic infection, granulomatous lesions, migration to placenta (erythritol) –> placentitis –> abortion. Enzootic abortion
TRANSMISSION: contact with aborted material. Humans get it through contaminated products.
DIAGNOSIS: Koster’s stain (modification of acid-fast)
BACTERIA: Group D salmonella, invasive, blood-borne, placental invasion, enteric, facultative intravellular
INFECTION: can cause abortion, invasive serovars such as S.Dublin which cause a septicaemia can also cause abortion
DIAGNOSIS: XLD medium - salmonella converts thiosulphate to hydrogen sulphate
How do you diagnose a mycotic cause of abortion?
Main cause?
Consequences of infection?
DIAGNOSIS: Culture and PAS
Predisposes future abortion?
Aspergillus fumigatus - main cause but others too
TRANSMISSION: Spores - inhaled or ingested
INFECTION: Haematogenous migration –> placenta, placentitis, foetal death. Subsequent fertility and health unaffected. May also cause equine abortion
What are causes of bovine infectious infertility?
BACTERIA: Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis, gram negative rod
Mucous membrane and prepuce of mature bull (lifelong asymptomatic)
INFECTIO: catarrhal inflammation of genital tract –> endometritis and inflammation –> embryo fails to implant –> embryo dies –> infertility.
DIAGNOSIS: Culture from sheath washings or products of abortion, PCR
List some causes of non-specific post-partum endometritis (BOVINE)
Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes
E. coli
Enterococcus faecalis
Anaerobes (Bacteroids sp.)
What are the 3 main causes of ovine abortion?
- ) Toxoplasma - 28%
- ) Chlamydophila abortus - 27%
- ) Other - 26%
What disease does. Cabortus cause?
Enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE)
Features of C.abortus infection.
Obligate intracellular pathogen
Late pregnancy abortion (ewe)
Subsequent fertility not impaired
Reservoir - C.abortus -3
Infected sheep, faeces, birds
Transmision - C.abortus - 2
venereal or oral
Diagnosis - C.abortus
Ag detection by ELISA and Kosters (now PCR)
Control - C.abortus
Vaccination - prevents new cases, doesn’t clear established infection
Can Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin cause bovine abortion?
Yes - blood borne and invades placenta. Enteric. Zoonotic. Salmonellosis (cattle)
Outline mycotic abortion (bovines)
skin lesions indicative + other signs often
mouldy feeds, spore inhalation
doesn’t predispose future abortion
**e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus **
What can cause bovine infectious infertility?
Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis Infects MM and prepuce of mature bull Lifelong asymptomatic infection Catarrhal inflammation of female tract Endometritis and inflammation --> embryo fails to implant
How can C. fetus subsp venerealis be detected?
Sheath/vaginal washing or products of abortion
(gram negative rod)
What causes Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM)?
Taylorella equigenitalis
Acute, contagious, venereal transmission. Causes metritis, cervicitis and discharge (thick, milky, mucoid, 10-14 days after breeding). Asymptomatic in stallions.
UK eradicated. Europe - wild ponies
Transmission: stallion at service, fomites
What causes metritis in mares?
Klebsiella pneumoniae (K1, K5 and K7)
Also Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Describe the Kosters stain.
Modified Ziehl Nielsen (mZN)
Weak carbol fuschin followed by 5% acetic acid then methylene blue counterstain.
Chlamydophila appear red
What can cause ovine abortion?
Campylobacter fetus subsp fetus
Sporadic abortion - cattle, sheep, 10% ovine abortions
What bacteria can cause canine pyometra and endometritis?
COLIFORMS (e.g. E.coli)
What can cause canine prostatitis? 6
E.coli, Proteus, Streptococci, Staphylococci, Mycoplasma felis
What can cause abortion in mares?
Streptococcus zooepidemicus (this is a beta-haemolytic streptococci, Lancefield group C)