Renal Path Review 1 Flashcards
indications for renal biopsy
*isolated glomerular hematuria with proteinuria or renal insufficiency
*isolated non-nephrotic proteinuria (<2g/day)
*nephrotic syndrome
*acute nephritic syndrome
*unexplained acute or subacute renal failure
contraindications for renal biopsy
*uncorrectable bleeding diathesis
*small kidneys, indicative of chronic damage
*severe hypertension
*multiple bilateral cysts
*active renal/perirenal infection
*uncooperative patient
acute tubular injury - biopsy findings
*loss of brush border
*large lumens
*tubule simplification
*peritubular (interstitial) edema
note - ATI can be due to ischemia or toxins
membranous nephropathy - biopsy findings
*light microscopy: diffuse capillary and GBM thickening, “spike and dome” appearance
*immunofluorescence: GRANULAR capillary wall IgG staining (due to immune complex deposition, subepithelial)
*electron microscopy: subepithelial granular electron-dense deposits, separated by basement membrane spikes