Personality Disorders Flashcards
general characteristics of personality disorders
*difficulty/problems with: perception, affect, interpersonal functioning, and/or impulse control
*occurs across a range of personal and social situations
*lead to clinically significant distress or impairment
Cluster A: odd or eccentric personality disorders
*paranoid personality disorder
*schizoid personality disorder
*schizotypal personality disorder
paranoid personality disorder
*cluster A disorder characterized by distrust and suspiciousness
*pervasive distrust (accusatory), suspiciousness, hypervigilance, and a profoundly cynical view of the world
*others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving them
*doubts loyalty/trustworthiness of friends
*reluctant to confide in others
*reads hidden/threatening meanings into benign comments
*bears grudges
*perceives attacks on his character/reputation
*recurrent suspicions of infidelity
schizoid personality disorder
*cluster A personality disorder
*prefers social withdrawal and solitary activities, limited emotional expression, indifferent to others’ opinions
*lack a desire for close relationships
*prefers solo activities
*little interest in sex
*takes pleasure in few activities
*lacks close friends
*indifferent to praise or criticism
*emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect
schizotypal personality disorder
*cluster A personality disorder
*eccentric appearance, odd beliefs or magical thinking, interpersonal awkwardness
*ideas of reference
*odd beliefs/magical thinking
*unusual perceptual experiences
*odd thinking and speech
*suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
*inappropriate or constricted affect
*behavior or appearance is odd, eccentric, peculiar
*lack of close friends
*excessive social anxiety
Cluster B: dramatic, emotional, or erratic personality disorders
*antisocial personality disorder
*borderline personality disorder
*histrionic personality disorder
*narcissistic personality disorder
antisocial personality disorder
*cluster B personality disorder
*disregard for the rights of others with lack of remorse; involves criminality, impulsivity, hostility, and manipulation; must be 18+ years old
*failure to conform to social norms and laws
*irritability and aggressiveness
*reckless disregard for safety
*consistent irresponsibility
*lack of remorse
borderline personality disorder
*cluster B personality disorder
*unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, fear of abandonment, impulsivity, self-mutilation, suicidality, sense of emotional emptiness
*fear of abandonment
*unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
*unstable sense of self
*impulsive behaviors
*recurrent suicidal behaviors or self-mutilation
*affective instability
*chronic feelings of emptiness
*inappropriate anger
*transient, stress-related paranoid ideations/severe dissociative symptoms
histrionic personality disorder
*cluster B personality disorder
*attention-seeking, dramatic speech and emotional expression, shallow and labile emotions, sexually provocative
*uncomfortable when not the center of attention
*inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior
*rapidly shifting, shallow emotions
*uses physical appearance to draw attention
*speech is impressionistic and lacking in detail
*self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotion
*relationships more intimate than they really are
narcissistic personality disorder
*cluster B personality disorder
*grandiosity, sense of entitlement; lacks empathy and requires excessive admiration
*grandiose sense of self-importance
*preoccupied with unlimited success, power, brilliance
*special and unique
*requires excessive admiration
*sense of entitlement
*interpersonally exploitative
*lacks empathy
cluster C: anxious or fearful personality disorders
*avoidant personality disorder
*dependent personality disorder
*obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
avoidant personality disorder
*cluster C personality disorder
*hypersensitive to rejection and criticism, socially inhibited, timid, feelings of inadequacy, desires relationships with others
*avoid occupations involving significant interpersonal interactions for fear of criticism or rejection
*unwilling to get involved with others for fear of rejection
*preoccupied with being criticized/rejected in social situations
*feels inadequate
*views self as inept, unappealing, or inferior
*avoids personal risks and new activities for fear of embarrassment
dependent personality disorder
*cluster C personality disorder
*excessive need for support, low self-confidence
*difficulty making everyday decisions without excessive advice/reassurance
*need others to assume responsibility for their lives
*difficulty disagreeing with others for fear of disapproval
*difficulty starting projects/doing things on their own
*excessive need for nurturance and support
*uncomfortable when alone - fears inability to care for self
*enters relationship as soon as one is over
*fears being left to care for self
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
*cluster C personality disorder
*preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control; behavior consistent with one’s own beliefs and attitudes
*preoccupied with details, rules, order
*perfectionism that interferes with task completion
*over-conscious and rigid about morals, ethics, and values
*unable to discard items
*difficulty delegating tasks to others
*miserly spending style
*rigid and stubborn
paranoid personality disorder (simple)
distrust and suspiciousness
schizoid personality disorder (simple)
detachment from social relationships, restricted emotional expression
schizotypal personality disorder (simple)
discomfort in close relationships, perceptual distortion, eccentric behavior
antisocial personality disorder (simple)
disregard for the rights of others
*must be at least 18 years old (if < 18, conduct disorder)
borderline personality disorder (simple)
instability in relationships, poor self-image, trouble regulating emotion, impulsivity
histrionic personality disorder (simple)
excessively emotional and attention-seeking
narcissitic personality disorder (simple)
grandiose, need for admiration, lack of empathy
avoidant personality disorder (simple)
social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
dependent personality disorder (simple)
excessive need to be taken care of
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (simple)
preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control