Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flashcards
2 classes of inflammatory bowel disease
- ulcerative colitis
- Crohn disease
inflammatory bowel diseases
*chronic inflammatory disorders involving the GI tract, thought to be related to dysregulation of the gut immune system
*exact cause of these diseases is unknown
IBD epidemiology
*common in North America & Europe
*UC and Crohn’s disease have equal incidence
*age of onset 15-40
*equally affects males and females
*more common in whites
ulcerative colitis - key characteristics
*inflammation limited to mucosa & submucosa
*involves the colon only
*ALWAYS involves the rectum and extends proximally in continuous fashion to a variable degree
Crohn’s disease - key characteristics
*inflammation involves the entire bowel wall (transmural)
*can involve GI tract from mouth to anus
*typically spares the rectum and involves the GI in a discontinuous fashion (skip lesions)
ulcerative colitis - clinical presentation
*bloody diarrhea (usually painful)
Crohn disease - clinical presentation
*RLQ pain and diarrhea (may or may not be bloody)
ulcerative colitis - characteristic histology
*crypt abscesses/ulcers
*no granulomas
Crohn disease - characteristic histology
*noncaseating granulomas
*lymphoid aggregates
IBD diagnosis
*history: chronic diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, tenesmus (rectal pressure and pain, urge to defecate)
*PE: focal tenderness
*labs: stool studies to evaluate for infectious etiologies; FECAL CALPROTECTIN; ESR, CRP, CBC, IBD serologies
auto-antibody for ulcerative colitis
auto-antibody for Crohn’s dsease
extraintestinal manifestations of IBD
*erythema nodosum
*oral aphthous ulcers
*peripheral arthritis
*axial arthritis (sacroileitis, ankylosing spondylitis)
*primary sclerosing cholangitis
gut immunology - key players
*luminal bacteria
*epithelial cells (tight junctions, goblet cells, Paneth cells, M cells)
*toll-like receptors
*NOD proteins
*dendritic cells
*Peyer’s patches, lymph nodes
*CD4+ T cells
lifestyle modifications for IBD
*cigarette smoking: exacerbates Crohn’s disease but may decrease ulcerative colitis activity (make UC better)
*use of NSAIDs may exacerbate disease activity