Renal Path, Repro Drugs, Neuro Odd ends Flashcards
What disease is this via urine specimen?

Crohn’s Disease
Calcium stone, hypocitaturia
What bacteria causes this stone?

Proteus Mirabilis
Staphylococcus Saprophyticus
Struvite or Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate
What disease can cause this stone, what is the treatment?

Gout, give allopurinol, alkalize urine
Uric Acid
What disease can cause this?
What three things are there a defect in reabsorbing?

Cystine reabsorbing PCT transporter, Fanconi Syndrome, Cystine issues
Ornithine, Lysine, Arginine
Where does this carcinoma orginate from?
Wha is the immunotherapy?

aldesleukin stops IL-2
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Where does this benign epithelial cell tumor arise from?
What is seen in the path stain?

Collecting Ducts
Large eosinophilic cells with abundant mitochondria without perinuclear clearing
Renal Oncocytoma
Wilms tumor
Aniridia (absence of iris)
Genitourinary malformations
Mental Retardation
What is the disease or chromosome deletion?
WT1 deletion, chromosome 11
Wilms tumor
early onset nephrotic syndrome
male pseudohermaphroditism
Located where?
What am I?
Denys Drash
WT1 mutation Chromosome 11
Wilms Tumor
Neonatal hypoglycemia
What am I?
What is the chromosome deletion?
WT-2 Chromosome 11
Painless hematuria, no casts, what could I be?
Transtional Cell Carcinoma
Associated with phenacetin, smoking, aniline, and cyclophosphamide
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Why does adenocarcinoma of bladder happen?

urachal remnant, cystitis gland, and estrophy of lower bladder
Squamous Cell carcinoma of the bladder is caused by what?

Schistosoma haematobium, chronic cystitis, smoking, chronic nephrolithiasis, painless hematuria
What two flavors of this carcinoma are there?

Flat –> mutations in p53
Papillary –> low grade to high grade
Urothelial Carcinoma
What differentiates UTI vs pyelonephritis generally?
UTI has no fever
pyelonephritis has a fever
What is one way that we can have thyrodization of the kidney?

chronic pyelonephritis
What disease is grossly orange nodules that can mimic tumor nodules; characterized by widespread kiney damage due to granulomatous tissue containing foamy macrophages?
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
What renal disease causes a subperioseal thinning of bones?
Renal Osteodystrophy
What has brown casts in the urine, can cause metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia?

acute tubular necrosis
What is this patient at an increased risk thereof?

Berry aneuryms, MVP, benign Hepatic cysts
PKD1 and PKD2, adults
What is this?
Where are the cysts coming from?
What is the main side effect to worry about?

Dilation of collecting ducts
Significant oliguric renal failure
hepatic fibrosis, cysts in the liver
Simple Cysts are asymmptomatic, complex cysts have an increased risk of what?
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Medullary Cystic disease is due to cysts being formed where?
What will they show up as on an echo?
medullary collecting duct
shrunken kidneys on an echo
Angiomyolipoma causes hamartomas that are harmless, what is the overall risk and what disease could they potentially show up from?
risk of causing a hemorrhage
Tuberous sclerosis
What disease show up with renal cell carcinoma, chromosome 3?
Von Hippel Lindau syndrome
What gene is involved and allows the brain to split into two hemispheres?
What is the problem with the mutation, what medical problem eventually happens?
Sonic hedgehog gene
What gene is required to make the apical ectodermal ridge, thickened ectoderm at the distal end of each developing limb?
Wnt-7 gene
dorsal-ventral axis
What is produced at the apical ectodermal ridge, stimulates mitosis of the underlying mesoderm, lengthens the limbs?
FGF gene
What is the segmental organization of embryo in a craniocaudal direction, codes for transcription factors?
Hox gene
There are appendages in the wrong locations
Who has LOS name three bacteria?
N. Meningitis
N. Gonnorhea
H. Influenza
B. Pertussis
What is the first line drug for nocturnal enuresis?
What is the alpha 2 antagonist of the week?
What drug treats bipolar disorder, seizures at the same time?
What does it inhibit?
Valproic Acid
GABA transaminase
What is used for migraine prevention that is no Sumatriptan, blocks Na channels?
What does Tiagabine do?
What does Vigabatrin do?
Tie on car lift, inhibits GABA reuptake
Increases GABA but blocking GABA transaminase
Embroyo clefts are from what?
Embroyo arches are from what?
mesoderm and neural crest
What are the embyro pouches made from?
When it comes to babies:
What age is calculated from date of last menstrual period?
What age is calculated from date of conception?
Gestational age
Embryonic age (gestational age minus 2 weeks)
What are the two things that can cause male breast cancer?
Klinefelter and BRCA2
Ketamine and Barbituates which one increases or decreases cerebral blood flow?
Ketamine: increases blood flow
Barbituates: decrease blood flow
What blocks the reuptake of serotonin, norepi, and is a weak opiod agonist?
What drug blocks NMDA antagonist for Parkinson’s Disease?
What treats ADHD, sketchy has the kid under the dock?
What treats ADHD, sketchy has the kid in the boat?
amphetamines, “friend date”, treat ADHD, methylphenidate
What are mifepristone with misoprostol used for?
What is ulipristal used for?
competive inhibitors of progestins at progesterone receptors: terminate the pregnancy
Emergency Contraception
What does anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane are all for what?
Aromatase inhibitors
ER+ breast cancer in postmenopausal women
What is a direct arteriolar vasodilator and fixes androgenetic alopeica?
What is a PDE-5 inhibitor that increases cGMP that helps with BPH only?
What is a nonsteroidal competitive inhibitor at androgen receptors? This is used to treat prostatic carcinoma
PNS neurons and Schwann Cells are from what embryo origin?
Astrocytes are from what embryo origin?
Neural Crest Cells
Neural Tube
What disease is the lack of neuronal migration resulting in a smooth brain, no sulci and gyri?
Acetylcholine is made in what area of the brain?
Elevated amounts are seen in what disease?
Basal Nucleus of Meynert
Parkinson Disease
What is area of Dopamine Synthesis?
Ventral Tegmentum, SNc
What area is GABA made in?
Nucleus Accumbens
What area of the brain is Norepinephrine made in?
What part of the brain stem is bad?
Locus Ceruleus
What are of the brain is Serotonin made?
What area of the brain stem is this?
Raphe Nucleus
Mesoderm defects are a VACTERL pattern, fill in the rest
V: Vertebrae
A: Anal Atresia
C: Cardiac Defects
T: ?
R: ?
L: ?
T: Tracheal-Esophageal Fistula
R: Renal Defects
L: Limb Defects