Immuno and IDR cards Flashcards
Pyrrolidonyl arylamidase is a test that is positive for what bacteria?
PYR + S. Pyogenus
What types of vaccines are these diseases?
Typhoid (Oral)
Polio (Sabin)
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Yellow Fever
Influenza (Intranasal)
Live attenuated vaccines
Remember the Pneumonic ATP MMR are BVSY IRresponsible
The capital letters are the disease
What is the following vaccines?
Influenza (injection)
Polio (Salk)
Hep A
Typhoid (intramuscular)
Non-live toxoid, subunit, conjugate, inactivated vaccines
TRIP Always
What are the vaccines?
Hep B surface antigen
HPV (types 6, 11, 16, 18)
acellular Pertussis
Neisseria Meningitidis
Strept. Pneumoniae
Haemophilus Influenzae type b
Non-live toxoid, subunit vaccines
Fulminant Hepatitis is what?
Massive Necrosis of liver parenchyma that happens after 8 weeks Hepatitis E
What rodeo is indicative of fatty liver disease?
What lab value shows up with hepatocellular carcinoma?
Cholesterol stones are what visually? Pigment stones are what visually? Infection stones are what visually?
Cholesterol Stones are radiolucent
Pigment stones are radiopaque, black, hemolysis, bilirubinate
Brown stones are infection stones, that are radiolucent
Tinea unguium is what location?
Tinea cruris is what location?
Onychomycosis, usually in the nails
Inguinal area
Tinea versicolor is what? What is the path finding?
Malassezia FurFur, spaghetti and meatballs on path stain, also the Sketchy video “Italian Restaurant”
In the world of shenanigans: High Mg means what?
Low Mg means what?
hypocalcemia, via decreased PTH
In the world of sorcery: when there is low potassium, what other low electrolyte must be replenished first in order to allow potassium to replenish itself?
Magnesium, magnesium blocks the ROMK (Renal outer Medullary Potassium Channel), found in the collecting duct
Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Refeeding syndrome in alcoholics can cause what?
Low Mg has what happen? Low Low Mg has what happen?
Increase PTH release –> increase GI and renal magnesium along with calcium
inhibits PTH release –> hypocalcemia seen with hypomagnesemia
Alcoholics love to show up in patient vignettes having a B1 issue, what other electrolyte abnormality might grace my screen under a(n) uworld question disguise?
What herpes rash is the hard palate, also can cause diffuse B cell lymphoma? What thing is elevated?
Kaposi sarcoma, neoplasm of endothelial cells VEGF
Roseola infantum has what rash characteristics?
high fevers for several days that can cause seizures lacy body rash
Vairiola is what?
Varicella is what?
What is the big difference?
Variola is smallpox, lesions are at the same stage
Varicella is chicken pox, lesions are at different stages
When 1 of 2 viruses that infect the cells are non-functional, where as a 2 of 2 virus allows the virus to become functional is what?
When two viruses co-infect a cell, the capsule and the surface proteins produce are from a different virus vs. the genetic material, this is called what?
Phenotypic mixing
What is recombination of a virus? What is reassortment of a virus?
Exchange of genes between 2 chromosomes
Exchange of genetic material between two viruses
Genetic shift is due to what? Genetic drift is due to what?
Causes pandemics, reassortment of viral components
Cause epidemics, random mutation in hemagglutinin or neuraminidase genes
What is a biochem way of fighting measles?
Vitamin A
The envelope gene makes gp160, what else does it make?
gp41 and gp120
1) gp120 attachment to host CD4+ T cell
2) gp41 fusion and entry
What does the gag gene make?
p24 and p17, this makes the capsid and matrix
CCR5 is on what? CXCR4 is on what?
Macrophages (early infection)
T cells (late infection)
What is the traditional ranking estrogen potency of Estradiol, Estriol, and Estrone?
1) Estradiol 2) Estrone 3) Estriol
What is the name of the syndrome with low GnRH, anosmia, and Testosterone?
Kallman Syndrome
If I have cryptorchidism, what is most likely low in my body?
low inhibin level, that comes from the Sertoli Cells, this is supposed to provide negative feed back on FSH
What is the hallmark hormone that screams menopause is here?
Increase FSH
What are two things that PCOS may develop as well?
Acathosis Nigricans and Endometrial Cancer
When there is chocolate agar positive, where/what should I be thinking about?
H. Influenza and N. Gonorrhea
What B lactam is only for gram negative rods, if a penicillin allergy?
What does cilastatin block in the kidney, when given with an imipenem?
Renal dehydropeptidase I
What two drugs cannot drink with alcohol?
Cephalosporin and Metronidazole
Aminoglycosides cannot be used against what type of bacteria?
anaerobic bacteria
must be aerobic bacteria
What two drugs should not be given with antacids?
Fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines
Think about the Mg, K, and Ca 2+ ions in sketchy
Polymxin B does not attack what two things?
Niessera and Proteus
What class of drugs beside NRTI can cause central obesity/lipodystrophy?
Protease inhibitors Atazanavir, Darunavir, Indinavir
What drugs are used to stop the release of viral progeny?
What drug inhibits influenza neuraminidase?
Amantidine: blocks uncoating of virus, inside cell, no longer used
Oseltamivir, Zanamivir: blocks neuraminidase
What drug can be used in combination with amphotericin B?
What drug is an anti-fungal that blocks 14-alpha-demethylase? This also prevents the synthesis of erogsterol
Nystatin can be used only what way?
What is the glaring difference between MPGN I and MPGN II?
MPGN I is adults, C3, C4, IgG, Granular Hep B and C, tram track, PAS+
MPGN II is kids, C3 only positive, dense deposits
Where is the damage in MPGN I vs MPGN II located?
Subendothelial or BM (Type 1)
BM (Type 2), autoantibody against C3 convertase
Besides Coxiella, what else can have a culture negative endocarditis?
Bartonella hensela
Bartonella and Brucella can both cause what?
Listeria, Schistosomiasis, and syphillis all can cause what?
What malaria drugs are given in an emergency?
Quinidine or artesunate look at G6PD deficiency
What is the MOA of permethrin cream?
Stops the flow of Na 2+ from flowing through parasite nerves
Malathion is an ACHase inhibitor in order to treat what? Lindane treats lice how?
over activate GABA chloride channels
What is the indirect sympathomimetics that can increase weight loss?
What is used for acute asthma problems?
What is used for long term asthma/COPD?
Salmeterol, Formoterol
Flucytosine inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis via by what enzyme blockage?
cytosine deaminase
What two drugs are used in an emergency for malaria?
Quinidine or artesunate
In P vivax, what am I supposed to give in order to stop hypnozoites in the liver?
What are the two drugs used for organophosphate poisoning?
atropine and pralidoxime
Neostigmine, physostigimine, and pyridostigmine all increase Ach in one way or another, which one crosses the CNS?
What is used in autonomic insufficiency and postural hypotension, may make supine hypertension, alpha 1 agonist?
Makonkey agar there is growth, but no color, it means what? Mackonkey agar there is growth and it is pink, what is it?
no color = no lactose fermentation pink color = lactose fermentation
In the world of bacteria, chlamydia does not make what?
muramic acid is not made
Mycobacteria need what special stain?
Gram negative bacteria have Lipid A and o-polysaccharide. O-polysccharide is the main target of what man made thing?
Spores have three layers, what is the innermost layer?
Dipicolnic acid
What drug, not in sketchy, psych topic, inhibits serotonin reuptake, receptor partial agonist, used for MDD?
What psych drug inhibits 5-HT reuptake, 5-HT1a receptor agonist and 5HT3 antagonist, used for MDD?
What type of immunity does Live attenuated vaccine keep up?
Cell Mediated and Humoral Response
What is the vaccine?
Clostridium tetani
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Toxoid Vaccine
What does the killed or inactivated vaccine stimulate the immune system?
Humoral Response
Tick vector
mulberry like inclusions
Monocytes with a morulae
what disease is this?

Tick vector
morulae in cytoplasm
what disease is this?

Heat labile E. Coli toxin has an increase in what?
Heat Stable E. Coli toxin has an increase in what?
increase cAMP, increase Cl and H20 in gut
increase cGMP, decrease Cl NaCl and H20 in gut
What things are in the Thayer-Martin Agar?
Name 4
What does Sabouraud agar stain for?
What kind of mosquito helps with Dengue fever?