What is recruitment
Recruitment is the process of filling a job role, from identifying the vacancy to appointing a member of staff.
What is the recruitment process
Identity a vacancy
Write job description and person specification - What is going to be involved in that job, what are the daily activities, what are the responsibilities of the employee, who does the employee report to, how is their performance in the job going to be monitored, what are their key performance indicators. Not the person specification would include: What type of skills do we want this person to have, what are they going to bring to the role etc
Advertise vacancy
Review applications
Shortlist candidates that are believed to be the best out of the applicants - Can judge that from CV’s etc
Selection - Testing/ assessing the people that you selected - To see if they are capable of doing the job that they said they said they are capable of doing on paper
Interviewing - get to know them personally, follow up on a few things on their application etc
Appointing the best person/ people to the job role
When does internal recruitment occur
Occurs when candidates for a job role are people who already work for an organisation
What does external recruitment occur
Occurs when candidates for a job role are people from outside that organisation
What are the advantages to internal recruitment
Lower recruitment costs
Improverd promotion opportunities for existing staff = motivation
Quicker process
Known abilities of candidates
Shorter induction period
Whatare the disadvantages of internal recruitment
Reduces talent available
limits the number of applicants
Missed opportunities and new ideas
Potential friction between candidates
What are advantages of external recruitment
Increases talent available
Provides new ideas
Introduce expertise from elsewhear
Increases the number of applicants and therefor choice
What are the disadvantages of external recruitment
Increases recruitment costs - both financial commitment and opportunity cost of time
Can upset internal candidates
May be difficult to accuratly assess skills and personality during selection process
What should improving the recruitment process lead to
More applicants to each role and a greater choice of candidates
Higher calibre recruits - As more people are applying, there’s more chance that more of the applicants are higher calibre
Lower training costs - After testing the candidates, the ones that pass will probably have less spent on them, as they are higher skilled than candidates that were applying before improvements to the recruitment process were made.
Improve staff motivation - The jobs not too easy for them, yet it’s not too hard, so they should be motivated to come to work, as they’re more likely to enjoy their work
Increased labour productivity - As they’re a higher calibre of employee, the learning process for them won’t be as long as other average candidates, which will increase labour productivity, as they’ll start doing the work correctly without a massive learning curve
Should be lower absenteeism (lower rates of people not turning up for work) and staff turnover
Lower future recruitment costs - If you employ the right people, to the right jobs, at the right time and with the correct skills, then you’ll have to spend less on recruitment in the long run, as you’re employing the correct people.