Reaction Time Flashcards
Define reaction time
The time taken from the onset of a stimulus to the onset of movement in response to it
Define movement time
The time between the onset of movement and the completion of the movement.
Define response time
The total time it takes from the onset of the stimulus to the completion of the task
What is the equation linking response time,reaction time and movement time
Response time=reaction time+movement time
Name and define the 2 types of reaction time
Simple reaction time-there is only one response to a stimulus
Choice reaction time-there are many responses to many possible stimuli
What is Hick’s Law
Reaction time increases as the number of choices increases
Until there is a plateau in reaction time as stimuli become more predictable
Describe the Single-Channel Hypothesis
-stimuli are processed along a single nerve
-brain can only process one stimuli at a time
-stimuli must wait for the one before it can be dealt with
-bottleneck theory
Describe the Psychological Refractory Period
-the confusion caused by the arrival of a second stimulus before the first has been processed
-the performer might stagger their movement briefly to deal with the conflicting information
Strategies to improve response time
(Add a definition when necessary)
-Anticipation:performer is able to start movement as the signal for the stimulus has been identified early
-Spatial anticipation:what and where the opposing player is going to perform the skill
-Temporal anticipation: when the opposing player is going to perform the skill
-Physical fitness:reaction time training
-Strengthening S-R bond
-Level of arousal
-Early cue detection